
Democracy & State > UK state

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Diana and the demagogues

27 May 2021

Why the furore over an ancient interview? Paul Demarty looks at the renewed attacks on the BBC

Ulster unionism in crisis

20 May 2021

Brexit, together with shifts in both population and political allegiances, means that something now has to give, reckons Derek James

Protest halts deportation

20 May 2021

Alastair Thomas celebrates the thwarting of the home office’s Immigration Enforcement goons in Glasgow

Sorry results of tailism

13 May 2021

Narrow nationalism of all varieties distorts, twists and inverts class politics. Paul Demarty provides a preliminary post-mortem on the May 6 results

The politics of denial

13 May 2021

Class and the politics of narrow nationalism are now entwined, writes Eddie Ford. Instead of denying its own role in helping to bring about this sorry situation, the left needs to do some serious thinking

No reliance on Good Friday

29 Apr 2021

As shown by the resignation of Arlene Foster, unionism is in profound crisis. But can the left take the lead and build working class unity? Anne McShane reports on the Conference for an Alternative United Ireland

Necessity of social control

29 Apr 2021

We do not trust the government, writes Eddie Ford. But nor do we support unrestricted liberty

Behind the Lulu Lytle wallpaper

29 Apr 2021

Sleaze stories about the Downing Street flat and Boris Johnson’s character aim to protect the general regime of corruption. Mike Macnair paints the bigger picture

Death by numbers

22 Apr 2021

Instead of treating the monarchy merely as a quaint feudal relic, the left needs a much sharper critique, argues Paul Demarty

Ghost dancers of loyalism

15 Apr 2021

Riots in the Six Counties confirm once again that the Good Friday agreement settled nothing, writes Derek James

Grief at gunpoint

15 Apr 2021

The coverage of Philip Windsor’s death has reached new heights of absurdity, even for British royals, argues Paul Demarty

The opportunist prince

15 Apr 2021

He was a typical European high aristocrat, but one who chose his side - and his bride - well, writes Eddie Ford

After 47 years

08 Apr 2021

The convictions of the Shrewsbury 24 have at last been quashed. There was a conspiracy - between the employers, the police and the Tory government. Bernard Mattson reports

Royalty and the Reich

08 Apr 2021

Eddie Ford reviews Channel 4's 'Queen Elizabeth and the spy in the palace', directed by Andy Webb

Tip of an iceberg

08 Apr 2021

Bribery, fraud, nepotism and graft are all endemic to the bourgeois order, writes Derek James

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