
Democracy & State > UK state

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Modern ancient constitutions

28 Oct 2021

We are agreed: the struggle for political democracy is vital. But more is needed. Mike Macnair answers his common-ground critics

A 2.7 degree wake-up call

28 Oct 2021

The UK government’s response is woefully inadequate. So keep your expectations about Cop26 really low, advises a worried Eddie Ford

Latest round win

28 Oct 2021

Three and a half years after being sacked for daring to criticise Zionism during the Enough is Enough demonstration and Jewish Voice for Labour’s counter-demonstration in Parliament Square, Stan Keable welcomes a small victory in the struggle for unrestricted freedom of speech

Back to the past - again

21 Oct 2021

James Harvey looks at the latest round in the Brexit saga and asks where it might all be heading

Common caste identity

21 Oct 2021

Eddie Ford says that the killing of rightwing Tory MP David Amess reveals a lot about careerist politicians in general. And not only on the Labour right … there is the official and unofficial Labour ‘left’ too

Facing ecological meltdown

14 Oct 2021

Eddie Ford is not surprised to learn that Britain is one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries

A market opportunity

14 Oct 2021

What’s behind the campaign for face-to-face consultations? James Linney gives a GP’s view

A disaster foretold

07 Oct 2021

HGV drivers, petrol, empty supermarket shelves - Britain’s dependence on global supply chains has been badly exposed. Paul Demarty investigates

Secret world of the elite

07 Oct 2021

Access capitalism and mammoth corruption have been laid bare by the Pandora papers, writes Danny Hammill

Cold war hots up

07 Oct 2021

As the US and Britain set about arming Australia with nuclear-powered subs and Indian troops dig in at high altitude, Chinese warplanes prod and probe Taiwan’s air defences. Eddie Ford warns that a shooting war is far from impossible

Decline and decay

30 Sep 2021

Mike Macnair shows that the post-1945 and post-1976 global ascendancy of US-style constitutionalism is at the core of the current liberal impasse

Combating the Capitalistocene

23 Sep 2021

With global temperatures in danger of increasing to 1.5 ºC above pre-industrial levels by 2025, Eddie Ford fears that governments might actually do something - at our expense

Dealing with anti-vaxxers

16 Sep 2021

Invading BBC, ITN and Google. Paul Demarty examines vaccine madness and the limits of coercive action

Constitutions ancient and modern

02 Sep 2021

Bourgeois politicians, not least those in Britain and the US, make frankly risible claims about the constitutions of their respective countries. But, argues Mike Macnair in the first of two articles, Marxists are right to treat constitutions seriously

Human rights illusions

29 Jul 2021

Dave Levy has proposed that Labour should make its disciplinary procedure comply with the European Convention on Human Rights. Mike Macnair shows that the project is totally delusional

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