
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Labour’s latest Waterloo

15 Apr 2021

The defeat of the campaign for union recognition at Amazon is not as straightforward as might be thought, argues Daniel Lazare

After 47 years

08 Apr 2021

The convictions of the Shrewsbury 24 have at last been quashed. There was a conspiracy - between the employers, the police and the Tory government. Bernard Mattson reports

Global unions needed

04 Jun 2020

Workers in Sunderland should not be pitted against workers in Barcelona, writes Eddie Ford

Defend Steve Hedley

17 Apr 2020

RMT should immediately rescind the suspension of its assistant general secretary, argues Paul Demarty

Fourth emergency service

26 Mar 2020

Eddie Ford says postal workers must not allow management to use the pandemic crisis as an excuse to launch further attacks on the union.

Biggest possible majority needed

06 Mar 2020

Eddie Ford argues that strike action will pit postal workers not only against Royal Mail bosses, but against a union-smashing government too. Mass solidarity is vital if victory is to be won.

Prepare for a bitter fight

24 Jan 2020

The Tories are bent on ensuring that effective trade union action is impossible, writes Peter Manson. How to respond?

Vote Mark Serwotka

22 Nov 2019

Dave Vincent gives his take on the PCS general secretary election and the factional background.

Reinstate Peter Gregson

14 Mar 2019

The use of the IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism to expel a union activist marks a new low, writes David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists

Chris Baugh set for re-election

31 Jan 2019

Left Unity has agreed its candidate for assistant general secretary, reports Dave Vincent

Left high and dry

24 Jan 2019

Dave Vincent gives his take on the forthcoming election for assistant general secretary

Support the Socialist View slate

15 Nov 2018

Peter Manson looks at the rift that has opened up in the Left Unity faction of PCS

A new beginning?

20 Sep 2018

Marcel van der Linden examines the state of the global labour movement

Edging towards a second vote

13 Sep 2018

The EU was a central theme for the second successive year, reports Peter Manson

Left in disunity

06 Sep 2018

Dave Vincent looks at the strange battle for assistant general secretary

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