
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Spirit of common struggle

14 Jun 2018

Terry Tapp A serf’s journal Zero Books, 2017, pp144, £9.99

Hold them to account

07 Jun 2018

Kevin Bean of the University of Liverpool branch reports on the attempts by the UCU leadership to sabotage union democracy

Where’s the politics?

17 May 2018

The TUC’s call for a ‘new deal’ is tellingly vague and lacking in detail, writes Peter Manson

Join us in battle

03 May 2018

The RMT is debating whether or not to affiliate. Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists says get back in

Taking stock at half-time

22 Mar 2018

Morale remains high, as UCU members prepare for the second phase of strike action. Kevin Bean says members are increasingly questioning neo-liberal orthodoxy

Wave of militancy

01 Mar 2018

Kevin Bean of Liverpool UCU (personal capacity)

Determined to win

22 Feb 2018

Dave Douglass reviews Steve McGrail and Vicky Patterson Cowie miners, Polmaise colliery and the 1984-85 miners’ strike Scottish Labour History Society, 2017, pp146, £6

Parallel dead ends

25 Jan 2018

Peter Manson reviews: Ronnie Kasrils, A simple man: Kasrils and the Zuma enigma Auckland Park 2017, pp283, £16.19 and Dale McKinley, South Africa’s corporatised liberation Auckland Park 2017, pp198, £14.95

Disintegrating alliance

02 Nov 2017

The SACP is calling for a ‘reconfigured alliance’ with the ANC in a desperate attempt to stave off the pressure from below, writes Peter Manson

Macron exposes divisions

28 Sep 2017

The unions are split over the new laws. René Gimpel reports on the compromises and the protests

Now the real work begins

28 Sep 2017

The left made limited, but real, gains at conference, reports Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

Hire and fire as they please

21 Sep 2017

With union combativity languishing, writes Michael Roberts, real wages continue to fall despite full employment

Humpty Dumpty and ‘anti-Semitism’

21 Sep 2017

The Jewish Labour Movement claims its rule change has been adopted by the Labour Party NEC, Kat Gugino, of Labour Party Marxists, begs to differ

Keep up the pressure

21 Sep 2017

Labour’s NEC has opened the door for much-needed change - now the left needs to take advantage of that opening, says Carla Roberts

Where next for the ANC?

14 Sep 2017

Are there hopeful signs amidst the poverty and corruption? South African socialist, author and journalist Terry Bell addressed a London Communist Forum on September 10

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