
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

SUPPLEMENT: Essays on the general strike - Part III

11 Apr 1996

From war to aborted general strike

NUM strength and weakness

11 Apr 1996

Merseyside: all out on May Day

11 Apr 1996

Not that straightforward

04 Apr 1996

In brief

‘Tamed’ workers biting back

04 Apr 1996

Marcus Larsen of the Communist Party Advocates reports from Australia

Students’ union capitulates

04 Apr 1996

Labour and Tory onslaught: Council workers under attack

04 Apr 1996

Plans by Tory-controlled Brent council to press ahead with the de-recognition of Unison need to be answered loud and clear

Relearn solidarity

28 Mar 1996

Council workers must stand firm

28 Mar 1996

The attempt by a London council to deny its workers union rights sets a precedent which the entire movement must resist

World-wide solidarity

21 Mar 1996

The dockers’ dispute in Liverpool has been exemplary in forging international solidarity

Labour movement in crisis

21 Mar 1996

Brent left in open discussion

21 Mar 1996

Socialist crusade

21 Mar 1996

Dundee raises the flag

Council workers prepare to fight

21 Mar 1996

Unison threatened with derecognition in Brent

SUPPLEMENT: Essays on the general strike - Part II

14 Mar 1996

Britain’s crisis: From origins to World War I

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