
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Postal workers demand action

20 Jun 1996

Rank and file put CWU on the offensive

Police raids

13 Jun 1996

SUPPLEMENT: Essays on the general strike - Part V

30 May 1996

France 1968

Jobs not job seekers

30 May 1996

Firefighters shun Labour

30 May 1996

Balloting for action

16 May 1996

Merseyside firefighters ballot on Acas deal

07 May 1996

SUPPLEMENT: Essays on the general strike - Part IV

02 May 1996

The 1926 General Strike

Trade Union document

02 May 1996

SLP policy amendments

Wonderful response to the call

02 May 1996

From the British Worker, official strike bulletin of the TUC, May 5 1926

Brent’s campaign against Unison continues

25 Apr 1996

International support there to be won

25 Apr 1996

The seven-month Liverpool dockers’ dispute has gained strength from international solidarity action. This week they are awaiting news from workers in the US, who are putting pressure on ACL, the biggest company that uses the port, to pull out. This would be a major breakthrough for the dockers. Lee-Anne Bates spoke to Terry Teague, one of the dockers’ shop stewards, about how this international solidarity can be built on and generalised for the workers’ movement as a whole

NUT votes for democracy

18 Apr 1996

A play for our class

18 Apr 1996

Nancy Morelli reviews 'On the Line', by Alan Spence at Dundee Rep (7.30pm Monday to Saturday until April 27, £6. 75, concessions available)

Brent Unison’s struggle

18 Apr 1996

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