
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Class war and damned lies

05 Feb 2004

Dave Douglass (branch secretary Hatfield NUM) reviews: Janice Sutherland, 'Strike: when Britain went to war', Channel 4, Saturday January 24 Steven Condie, 'The miners' strike', BBC2, Tuesday January 27

SP on the rack after climbdown

05 Feb 2004

Pressure is mounting on the Socialist Party-dominated leadership of the Public and Commercial Services Union following the decision of the department of work and pensions (DWP) executive to suspend strike action last week reports Lee Rock

Break with yellow unions

11 Dec 2003

Houzan Mahmoud of the Worker-communist Party of Iraq reports on how one British left group continues to side with the Ba'athist oppressors who once ruled Iraq

Confusion reigns over union bosses' pay

20 Nov 2003

At a meeting of 40 Public and Civil Service Union London Left Unity members on November 11, Socialist Workers Party comrades voted against their organisation’s position with regards to the pay of rank and file candidates when elected as full-time trade union officials.

Poor tactics, useless strategy

06 Nov 2003

Unison's dispute over London weighting continues to suffer from serious underlying weaknesses, says Alan Stevens

An utter mess

06 Nov 2003

In June a rotten settlement gave management carte blanche to impose 'modernisation' on firefighters' working conditions. Now the promised seven percent rise is to be phased in. Fire Brigades Union London regional officer Matt Wrack spoke to Peter Manson about the background to the latest wave of unofficial action

Temporary climbdown

06 Nov 2003

John Keys reports on the latest of the postal dispute

Wildcat post strikes spread

30 Oct 2003

John Keys reports about the unofficial strikes by postal workers that have broken out all over London and nearby areas

London weighting dead end

23 Oct 2003

Alan Stevens reports about Unison's long-running, stop and go London weighting dispute

Anti-left witch-hunt

31 May 2001

Prelude to Blair?s second term

Witch hunt stymies fight

26 Apr 2001

RMT witch hunt

12 Apr 2001

Focus on action

PCS Left Unity

15 Mar 2001


22 Feb 2001

Safety demands workers' control

23 Nov 2000

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