
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Ballot box or ‘Bolshevism’?

15 Feb 1996

Vote Labour, but ...

Scottish Socialist Alliance launched

15 Feb 1996

A step forward for left unity - now for political clarity

Reconstruction of the left

15 Feb 1996

Bob Smith of the CPGB faction, For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee, poses his questions about the reconstruction of the left to comrade Arman Arani of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran on the anniversary of the Iranian revolution

World politicians

15 Feb 1996

Marcus Larsen of Communist Party Advocates writes from Australia

The RDG programmists

15 Feb 1996

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

Who’s for the SLP?

15 Feb 1996

Communist press

Challenging reformism?

15 Feb 1996

Nick Clarke spoke to Allan Green, coordinator of the Scottish Socialist Alliance, after its conference last week

Important steps

15 Feb 1996

Kevin McQuillan, leader of the Irish Republican Socialist Party, spoke to the Weekly Worker

Trotskyist move to CPGB

15 Feb 1996

Programmatic clarification: a reply to the RDG

15 Feb 1996

Party school

15 Feb 1996

Party notes

No short cuts

08 Feb 1996

Against imperialism, for the working class

For a reforged Communist Party of Great Britain

08 Feb 1996

Minimal platform agreed by the Provisional Central Committee, CPGB and For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee (faction of the CPGB)

Unity around programme

08 Feb 1996

Statement by the Revolutionary Democratic Group on current relations between the RDG (faction of the SWP) and the PCC(CPGB)

Russian elections: for or against capitalism?

08 Feb 1996

Communist press

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