
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Revolutionary republicanism

29 Feb 1996

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) challenges Paul Cockshott's understanding of the democratic revolution

Movement of the class

29 Feb 1996

Danny Hammill reports on last week’s CPGB aggregate

SE London SA launch

29 Feb 1996

A conduit to party

29 Feb 1996

Party notes

Communists and the Socialist Labour Party

29 Feb 1996

Should partisans of the working class shape the SLP or attack it from the sidelines?

“Getting the ear of the class”

22 Feb 1996

Anne Murphy spoke to Wally Kennedy, Militant Labour councillor in Hillingdon which has recently gained another ML councillor, Julia Leonard

SLP comes to Glasgow

22 Feb 1996

For a communist third force

22 Feb 1996

Dave Craig from the RDG on the way forward for communist unity

Disillusion in Russia

22 Feb 1996

Open differences

22 Feb 1996

Last Sunday Open Polemic held its conference on communist fragmentation and social democracy. Danny Hammill reports

Weekly Worker retreat

22 Feb 1996

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

Wasted labour

22 Feb 1996

Eddie Ford reviews 'The Communist Party of Great Britain: a historical analysis to 1941' by Andrew Murray (Communist Liaison, 1995, pp106)

Mortal wound?

22 Feb 1996


22 Feb 1996

Communist press

Failing the test

22 Feb 1996

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