
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Reasons to be cheerful

08 Feb 1996

SWP, trade unions and strikes

Critique, OP and the CPGB

08 Feb 1996

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

Anarchist arrogance

08 Feb 1996

Danny Hammill reviews ‘I couldn’t paint golden angels: sixty years of commonplace life and anarchist agitation’ by Albert Meltzer (AK Press, 1996, pp386)

Scottish socialist alliance: Building a revolutionary party

08 Feb 1996

Saturday’s Scottish Socialist Alliance meeting is Glasgow is an important political event. The meeting will be presented with proposals from the organisation’s Steering Group designed to deepen and extend the unity of the SSA’s constituent elements. Scargill’s initiative on the Socialist Labour Party has pushed important forces on the left in England and Wales into seriously discussing the key question of building an alternative to Blair’s ‘new’ Labour. In Scotland, however, organisations like Scottish Militant Labour, the Socialist Movement, Liberation (left wing of the Scottish National Party) and others had already established a common front. At the meeting on Saturday, comrades - including from the Communist Party of Great Britain - will move towards even closer unity in a common organisation. This is a very welcome development and the CPGB sends its best wishes to the conference for a successful and positive discussion. On the eve of Saturday’s important debate, Mary Ward - leading member of the Communist Party in Scotland - gave us her views on the way forward.

Keep it coming

08 Feb 1996

Party notes

Kent Socialist Alliance

01 Feb 1996

Manchester SLP launch

01 Feb 1996

Reform or revolution?

01 Feb 1996

Scottish Socialist Movement AGM

Debate poses need for communist unity

01 Feb 1996

Last Sunday the Communist Party hosted a debate with the Independent Working Class Association on the need for common action among revolutionaries

High road, low road

01 Feb 1996

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

Where now for SLP?

01 Feb 1996

The Communist Party worked for as big a vote as possible for the Socialist Labour Party’s Brenda Nixon in the Hemsworth by-election despite many disagreements with the platform she stood on. However, the campaign in itself represents something historically significant

Hicks clique survives challenge

25 Jan 1996

New possibilities

25 Jan 1996

Strikes in France

Against conservatism

25 Jan 1996

Teething problems

25 Jan 1996

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

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