
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Not so simple

14 Mar 1996

Dave Douglass, vice-chair of South Yorkshire NUM panel responds to a Weekly Worker article on the miners’ Great Strike of 1984-5 (February 29)

SLP update

14 Mar 1996

Why I joined the SLP

14 Mar 1996

Source of dynamism

07 Mar 1996

To mark IWWD, Linda Addison spoke to Siobhan McLoughlin, a leading comrade in the CPGB, about the chasm which divides the Labour Party’s attitude to women in the Party and the Communist Party’s attitude. In this divide we can see the way forward for women’s liberation against the vicious attacks the Labour Party has made on the working class in the past and its future plans

Social democrats and Euros to hold hands at last?

07 Mar 1996

Spanish elections

Australian elections: Right steps up class war

07 Mar 1996

Marcus Larsen of the Communist Party Advocates sums up the Australian general election


07 Mar 1996

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

Slippery slope

07 Mar 1996

Lewisham debates Scargill constitution

07 Mar 1996

IRSP warning

29 Feb 1996

Thatcherism vs Scargillism

29 Feb 1996

The miners’ Great Strike of 1984-5 pitted the reorganised Tories against the syndicalistic politics of Scargill. Our class must learn the vital lessons from this titanic clash

Workers Press Conference

29 Feb 1996

Communist press

Stalin, Khrushchev, left and right

29 Feb 1996

Communists and the SLP

29 Feb 1996

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

Debating the SLP

29 Feb 1996

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