
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Socialist Workers Party - Canadian style

25 Jan 1996

January 10 saw a major split in the Canadian International Socialists. Below we reprint an edited version of a resignation letter - signed by Sue Ferguson, David McNally, Alan Sears and Deborah Simmons - which took the form of an ‘Open letter to members of the International Socialist’, dated December 28 1995. Though we do not necessarily agree with all their conclusions we feel it is important that all divisions in our movement are debated out openly, in print. We welcome replies from IS or SWP members

Intervening in the SLP

25 Jan 1996

Brent left opening up

25 Jan 1996

SLP - Kent style

25 Jan 1996

Socialist forum in Herts

25 Jan 1996

Lewisham socialist alliance

25 Jan 1996

Genuine socialist alternative

25 Jan 1996

Lee-Anne Bates spoke to John Nicholson, ex-deputy leader of Manchester City Council, who set up the campaign to defend clause four with Arthur Scargill

Hemsworth by-election: Support the SLP!

25 Jan 1996

On Thursday, Hemsworth goes to the polls. This by-election is an important one for the left in Britain

Revolutionary foundations

18 Jan 1996

Richard Whyte was a member of the Labour Party for some 12 years, but left after the continuing rightward drift to become an active member of the Scottish Socialist Movement. Richard has been involved in the debates and discussions around Arthur Scargill’s proposed SLP. Mary Ward spoke to him about recent developments

Locomotive force

18 Jan 1996

Genie out of the bottle

18 Jan 1996

Lee-Anne Bates spoke to Tommy Sheridan

An alternative anarchist pole

18 Jan 1996

Central committee business...

18 Jan 1996

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

Evrensel will never be silent

18 Jan 1996

Bold move needed

18 Jan 1996

Mark Fischer attended the recent aggregate of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP). He brought the greetings of the Provisional Central Committee of the CPGB and a call for the RDG to make a bold move in communist rapprochement

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