
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

CS conference debates way forward

14 Dec 2006

At the founding conference of Communist Students in Sheffield on Saturday December 9, some 20 comrades, most of them not members of the CPGB, were present. Ted North reports

Fantastic reality - Marxism and the politics of religion

14 Dec 2006

Religion is back with a vengeance. George Bush and the US christian right, holy Tony Blair and Britain's islamophobia, Russia's reinstalled orthodox church and India's saffron communalism, the toxic evangelicalism sweeping Africa and Latin America, Saudi Arabia's puritanical wahhabism and al Qa'eda's terrorism of spectacle, the Iranian theocracy and everywhere, it seems, the escape into the trench warfare of religious identity. But what is religion? In this extract from the introduction to his new book, Jack Conrad shows that the answer is not as straightforward as it might first appear

Multiculturalism: facing both ways

14 Dec 2006

Tony Blair's December 8 speech on multiculturalism shows that his government has no coherent programme to deal with the fact that the majority of British muslims oppose his wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and are in general deeply alienated. Jim Moody reports

Low-key rally

07 Dec 2006

Dave Isaacson reports from the so-called 'conference' of Student Respect, which attracted no more than 80 people - a reflection of the state of the organisation nationally

No strategy for free education

07 Dec 2006

Holy diplomacy amid coup rumours

07 Dec 2006

The pope's visit has laid bare the deep divisions in Turkish society. Esen Uslu of the Communist Party of Turkey reports

Red and green

30 Nov 2006

Do you have to be red to be green?' was a debate between Pete Dickenson of the SP and the Green Party's 'male principal speaker', Derek Wall. Simon Wells reports

Manchester warning

30 Nov 2006

The potential for Student Respect in alliance with the Federation of Student Islamic Societies to make a breakthrough in student politics - and the contradictory results this would have for political and social life on the campuses - has been illustrated by the spat on Manchester University's Student Direct. Emily Bransom reports

No resolutions, no democracy

30 Nov 2006

Dave Isaacson reports on the forthcoming 'conference' of Student Respect

Sex and the human revolution

23 Nov 2006

Socialist Worker has begun a series of articles by Sally Campbell. They purport to explain the origins of women's oppression. However, there exists an obvious lacuna in her account. If women became unfree, when and how did they become free? Camilla Power of the Radical Anthropology Group insists that sex played a big role in the human revolution - a taboo subject for the SWP

No bans on christian fundamentalists

23 Nov 2006

James Turley reports on the bureaucratic attempt to ban Exeter university's christian student society

Absolutely insane

16 Nov 2006

Simon Wells reviews Helen Caldicott's book Nuclear power is not the answer, New Press, 2006, pp221, £13.99

Fiddling while planet Earth burns

02 Nov 2006

Simon Wells reviews George Monbiot's Heat: how to stop the planet burning Penguin, 2006, pp276, £17.99

Go home and write to your MP

02 Nov 2006

The October 29 student demonstration against the further marketisation of higher education was uninspired and timid. Ben Lewis and Dave Isaacson report

Behind the red flag

02 Nov 2006

Lawrence Parker takes a closer look at the artist Ken Loach

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