
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Incitement to fudge

20 Dec 2007

Discussions aimed at a united left slate for the National Union of Students executive are already degenerating into curious squabbles. James Turley looks at the issues

Uses and abuses of Jesus

20 Dec 2007

Even in the 21st century Jesus is still a much prized figure. In this the second chapter of his new book Jack Conrad shows how Jesus has been used and abused by almost every political persuasion

A 'people's' tragedy

06 Dec 2007

Lawrence Parker reviews Ben Harker's Class act: the cultural and political life of Ewan MacColl Pluto Press, 2007, £15.99, pp360

Oxford Union and 'free speech'

29 Nov 2007

The decision by the Oxford Union debating society to give a platform to BNP leader Nick Griffin and holocaust denier David Irving provoked national controversy. James Turley digs through it all and argues for a particular application of the 'no platform' tactic

A load of old Balzac

15 Nov 2007

Is there such a thing as a 'Marxist art'? James Turley takes issue with Hillel Ticktin

Zoological determinism

08 Nov 2007

Gerry Downing takes a closer look at the latest musings of George Monbiot

Bleak white paper

01 Nov 2007

The White paper on NUS governance in brief

Fight for NUS democracy

01 Nov 2007

If the left wants to defeat the NUS bureaucracy in its attempt to abolish the last vestiges of democracy in the student union, our campaign against the attacks must say more than just 'no'. Communist Students member Tina Becker reports

Ozone man joins rogues' gallery

18 Oct 2007

Simon Wells examines why Al Gore was awarded the Nobel prize

From must-see to snore-fest

18 Oct 2007

The 51st annual London Film Festival opens this week with a plethora of films from around the world. Jim Moody reviews a selection from the 270 feature films and shorts that will be screened up to the end of this month

Straw men and solitary revolution

04 Oct 2007

The 'high modernism v improvisation' debate represents a false dichotomy, writes Wieland Hoban

Ungreen American

04 Oct 2007

Environmentalists around the world were less than impressed by president George Bush's speech at the major economies' meeting on energy, security and climate change last week. Simon Wells comments

Challenging the commodity form

27 Sep 2007

The intermediary terrain that Wieland Hoban claims musicians should inhabit in order to "engage with the world" does not exist, argues Gordon Downie

Class cookery

20 Sep 2007

Lawrence Parker reviews Nigella Express (BBC2 Mondays, 8pm)

Passing exams and changing the rules

13 Sep 2007

All students should read Bertell Ollman's How to take an exam and remake the world (Black Rose Books), says Benjamin Edgar Klein

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