
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Towards a Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation

27 Jul 2017

The disclosure of the BBC list of highest paid ‘stars’ raises the question: what is the corporation for? William Kane investigates

Unbridled state power

20 Jul 2017

Esen Uslu reports on the first anniversary of the failed coup attempt

Overcoming misogyny

20 Jul 2017

Yassamine Mather tells the story of a woman whose achievements were made against all the odds

Born loser: is destiny biological?

20 Jul 2017

Did the notion of biological superiority bite the dust following the racism of the Nazis? In this first article in a four-part series, Mike Belbin traces the reformulation of an ancient idea of human character

Get used to it

20 Jul 2017

Attempts to insulate MPs from insults are laughable and doomed to failure, argues Paul Demarty

Brexit reality wall

20 Jul 2017

Eddie Ford does not find it impossible to imagine a national government emerging from an EU-induced crisis

Criminal law and class society

20 Jul 2017

Mike Macnair reviews: Robert Reiner Crime: the mystery of the common-sense concept Polity, 2016, pp246, £15.99

The walking dead

13 Jul 2017

The G20 only confirmed the sluggish nature of the global economy, writes Michael Roberts

Hegemon opts out

13 Jul 2017

We live in strange times. Eddie Ford looks at the G20 summit in Hamburg

Big Meeting gets bigger

06 Jul 2017

The 133rd Durham Miners’ Gala this Saturday will see some 150,000 march through the ancient city. Davie Douglass looks at the history and the ongoing significance

Racists and Islamophobes

06 Jul 2017

Following the triumph of the right in last month’s local elections, writes Toby Abse, the left appears more and more isolated

The Corbyn phenomenon

06 Jul 2017

It is important to know where we are and where we are going, argues Tony Greenstein

The war Israel planned

06 Jul 2017

Military action against Syria had been contemplated for several months prior to the Six-Day War of June 1967, writes Moshé Machover

Fossil fuel era continues

06 Jul 2017

Predictions of an imminent decline of oil are misplaced, argues Jack Conrad. Along with global temperatures, consumption is set to rise

A new generation

06 Jul 2017

After Saturday’s inspiring demonstration, Peter Manson asks what the next steps should be

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