
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

State attacks right to think

07 May 1998

There is a hidden agenda of censorship behind the chorus of outrage over the Mary Bell biography

Blair touts for business

02 Apr 1998

The de-Labourisation of Labour continues

Redrawing boundaries

02 Apr 1998

Phil Watson reviews 'For Marx' by Louis Althusser

Cracks appear in ‘Cool Britannia’

19 Mar 1998

The love-in with New Labour has turned sour - and angry

Indian elections - Reaction fills the gap

12 Mar 1998

New threat to liberty

26 Feb 1998

Don't fear the reefer

26 Feb 1998

The ‘war against drugs’

Love hurts

19 Feb 1998

Kirby Dick ‘Sick: the life and death of Bob Flanagan, supermasochist’ 1997, ICA and selected cinemas

Britain’s home-grown Hitler

19 Feb 1998

Establishment pays respect

19 Feb 1998

Death of Enoch Powell

Class truths

12 Feb 1998

Dave Douglass reviews James Cameron's ‘Titanic’ (1997, general release)

History lessons

05 Feb 1998

Anna Weber reviews ‘Crimes and mercies - The fate of German civilians under Allied occupation, 1944 -1950’ by James Baque

The universe demystified

22 Jan 1998

Danny Hammill reviews Denis Brian's ‘Einstein: a life’

Tilting at windmills

15 Jan 1998

Racism or national chauvinsim?

Prejudice or racism

08 Jan 1998

Government ministers Banks and Blunkett - all part of the pretence?

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