
CPGB News > Reports

Communist University 2017: Who is speaking and when

10 Aug 2017

A list of speakers and current timetable

Bringing out our differences

29 Jun 2017

Peter Manson reports on last weekend’s meeting

Decisive victory needed

23 Mar 2017

Peter Manson reports on the annual general meeting of CPGB members

Grappling with new situation

08 Dec 2016

Peter Manson reports on the December 4 meeting of members of the CPGB and Labour Party Marxists

Front-line dispatch

29 Sep 2016

The rift between the Corbynistas and the right is irreconcilable. Simon Wells reports from Liverpool

An army for socialism

08 Sep 2016

William Sarsfield reports on the latest aggregate of CPGB and LPM members

Proving our worth

25 Aug 2016

Peter Manson reports on the success of the Summer Offensive

Serious and open debate

25 Aug 2016

Danny Hammill reports on the 8-day Communist University, organised jointly by Labour Party Marxists and the CPGB

Ideas to transform our movement

04 Aug 2016

This year’s Communist University runs from Saturday August 6 to Saturday August 13 in west London. As Ben Williams says, it comes during a significant upswing in political struggle and engagement

Communist University 2016

28 Jul 2016

A week of provocative and stimulating debate sponsored by Labour Party Marxists and CPGB

Brexit and Labour - twin crises

30 Jun 2016

Peter Manson reports on last weekend’s CPGB membership meeting

Fragmentation of election picture

12 May 2016

CPGB members have been discussing the May 5 elections and the forthcoming EU referendum. Mickey Coulter reports

Vote Galloway

05 May 2016

The following CPGB statement was issued prior to the May 5 election

Ideas to transform Labour

10 Mar 2016

William Sarsfield reports on the weekend’s CPGB members’ meeting

Politics and organisation

28 Jan 2016

The CPGB AGM looked back at the past year and forward to our current tasks. Mickey Coulter reports

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