
CPGB News > Reports

Playing for keeps

20 Mar 1997

Party notes

Thesis on the national question in Scotland

13 Mar 1997

After a wide ranging discussion this thesis was passed unanimously by a CPGB aggregate on Sunday March 8

Heat is on

13 Mar 1997

Vauxhall CSLP: lift the threat

13 Mar 1997

The threat of closure still hangs over the head of Vauxhall Constituency Socialist Labour Party for daring to discuss policies of which Arthur Scargill disapproves

Socialist News

13 Mar 1997

SLP: news and comment

Deportation threat

13 Mar 1997

Deserted strikers fight on

13 Mar 1997

Hillingdon Strikers Support Campaign calls all supporters to mass picket

March aggregate

13 Mar 1997

Party notes

Class not gender

06 Mar 1997

Doreen McNally is a founder member of Women of the Waterfront, set up to organise women in support of the Liverpool dockers. Her husband, Charlie, has worked on the docks for 29 years. Lee-Anne Bates spoke to her about their struggle and how working class women can be organised to fight back

Letter to Arthur Scargill

06 Mar 1997

Open to all SLP members

SLP branch under threat

06 Mar 1997

Vauxhall Constituency Socialist Labour Party, already hit by the ‘voiding’ of Barry Biddulph, one of its most active members (see Weekly Worker February 27), appears now to be threatened with closure itself. We reproduce below correspondence between Arthur Scargill and Kirstie Paton, branch secretary of the CSLP

More candidates needed for the general election

06 Mar 1997

SLP: news and information

Infantile malady

06 Mar 1997

Around the left

Join the fight for self-determination

06 Mar 1997

Ad hoc committee says ‘No’ to Labour sop

No more Coronation Street

06 Mar 1997

Party notes

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