
CPGB News > Reports

Sell this paper!

28 Aug 1997

Party notes

Tackling danger head on

14 Aug 1997

Below we reprint Arthur Scargill’s article in defence of the witch hunt, as it appeared in Socialist News (August 1997)

Scargill confirms democracy ban

14 Aug 1997

Simon Harvey of the SLP

Thesis on communist rapprochement

14 Aug 1997

This thesis was agreed to by the Provisional Central Committee of the Communist Party of Great Britain and the Organising Committee of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) on August 10 1997

Outrageous formulation

14 Aug 1997

Heil Tommy?

14 Aug 1997

Party notes

Going out with a bang

17 Jul 1997

Blow against sectarianism

17 Jul 1997

Simon Harvey

Party aggregate endorses shift

17 Jul 1997

Party notes

Fight for genuine self-determination

17 Jul 1997

As the campaign takes off, tensions grow within the Scottish Socialist Alliance

Affiliation as tactic

10 Jul 1997

Homophobia thrives in SLP

10 Jul 1997

The following is an open letter to all Socialist Labour Party branches by voided party member in Manchester John Pearson. It concerns the attitude of the party leadership to the homophobic publication, Economic and Philosophic Science Review

Summer Offensive ’97

10 Jul 1997

Cream on it?

10 Jul 1997

Party notes

Revolutionaries or social workers?

03 Jul 1997

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