
Society & Culture > Religion

Secularism is hostile to state religion, not religion

23 Feb 2012

Separation of church and state is a basic democratic demand bitterly resisted by the British establishment, writes Eddie Ford

Jacques Chirac's Lutte Ouvri�re policemen

08 Jan 2004

'Marxists' front for the oppressors of Muslims, writes Peter Manson

Headscarves and the secularism of fools

18 Dec 2003

Under the guise of defending secularism in education, the French establishment is launching a cynical attack on muslims, young muslim women in particular, which, not accidentally, also strikes at the basic freedom of all.

Bible myths and modern Israel

18 Dec 2003

Jack Conrad looks at archaeological wars and bible myths

Radical christianity and social resistance

18 Dec 2003

The CPGB's Communist University 2003 was addressed by Ray Gaston, vicar of All Hallows church, Leeds, and a member of the Socialist Alliance. This is an edited version of his speech

Women's rights, political islam and secularism

04 Dec 2003

Radical Iranian writer Chahla Chafiq shared a platform with Salma Yaqoob at last month's European Social Forum. The two sharply disagreed over the role of islam in politics. Afterwards she spoke to Peter Manson

Finding common political ground

27 Nov 2003

Tina Becker spoke to Salma Yaqoob at the European Social Forum in Paris

Combating religious hatred and chauvinism

20 Nov 2003

On Saturday November 8, Awaaz South Asia Watch held its first conference in Camden Town Hall. This activist organisation was set up in the wake of last year’s Gujarat state-inspired pogroms against muslims in western India.

Karl Marx and religion - part 4

29 Mar 2001

In the last of a series of articles, Michael Malkin outlines the attitude of communists to believers

Karl Marx and religion, part three

01 Mar 2001

Karl Marx and religion - part two

01 Feb 2001

Michael Malkin discusses Marx's critique of religion in the early 1840s


21 Dec 2000

Christianity and the decline of Rome

Karl Marx and religion

21 Dec 2000

James and the genesis of Christianity

13 Jan 2000

Not to bring peace

14 Jan 1999

Jesus: from Jewish apocalyptic revolutionary to imperial god

17 Dec 1998

Jack Conrad describes how an ideology of the oppressed became the ideology of the oppressors

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