Party & Programme > Programmes
Hidden from history
22 Nov 2007
Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75
Lenin’s heir
16 Jul 1998
Supporters of the Marxist Bulletin and the International Bolshevik Tendency reply to Mark Fischer’s ‘Frozen in dogma’
Workers’ unity, not national socialism
18 Jun 1998
Peter Taaffe and Scottish Militant Labour are on the verge of divorce. But this is no private affair. Shamefully in the name of defending Marxism both sides want to break up the historically constituted working class in Britain along nationalist lines
When Robert Griffths was anti-British road
19 Mar 1998
Here we reprint edited extracts from an important document published in The Leninist (March 20 1987), the forerunner of the Weekly Worker.
The road to oblivion
05 Mar 1998
CPB in crisis
Programme of liberation
29 Jan 1998
The Communist Manifesto is no historical footnote, writes Jack Conrad. In its essentials it remains a brilliant analysis of the necessary conditions for and means of making social revolution
Programme for women’s liberation
28 Aug 1997
Unity against oppression
Thesis on communist rapprochement
14 Aug 1997
This thesis was agreed to by the Provisional Central Committee of the Communist Party of Great Britain and the Organising Committee of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) on August 10 1997
Programmatic confusion in RDG
29 May 1997
Making the link
01 May 1997
Revolutionary politics, openness and democracy must be fought for intransigently, say SLP members in London’s Vauxhall and Brent branches, in reply to Ian Driver, SLP parliamentary candidate for Vauxhall
Marxism and feminism - matchmakers not needed
01 May 1997
Jack Conrad replies to comrade Ann Morgan
For workers’ rights and workers’ control! For a democratic Europe, federal republic and united Ireland!
24 Apr 1997
Dave Craig of the RDG (faction of the SWP) outlines its programmatic approach
Minimum platform
24 Apr 1997
Socialist challenge to capitalist manifestos
10 Apr 1997
Vote for a working class alternative
INSERT: Communist Manifesto
03 Apr 1997
General election '97
Where are we going?
13 Mar 1997
Three SLP members - Ian Dudley (Dulwich and West Norwood), Geoff Palmer (Hackney North and Stoke Newington) and Christoph Lenk (Peckham and Camberwell) - identify three areas of weakness in party policy in this document circulating in the SLP. We welcome contributions on SLP policy and the programme necessary for the class