
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

‘Speaking bitterness’ and Left Unity

19 Jun 2014

The precursor of ‘safe spaces’ was unsuccessful and destructive in past movements of the oppressed, writes Mike Macnair

Left Unity: A matter of political health

19 Jun 2014

Unity requires freedom to criticise, argues Paul Demarty

Left Unity: Freedom to criticise must be defended

19 Jun 2014

Laurie McCauley reports on his suspension from Manchester branch

Free speech: The permitted shades of grey

19 Jun 2014

Karl Marx stood for free speech, in the tradition of the first amendment to the US constitution, writes Eddie Ford

A leading rank-and-filer

12 Jun 2014

Paul Frölich Im radikalen Lager: Politische Autobiographie 1890-1921 (1938) €29.80, pp416, edited by Reiner Tosstorf, Berlin 2013

Against bad things

12 Jun 2014

Richard Seymour Against austerity: How we can fix the crisis they made? Pluto Press, 2014, pp198, £11.50

Condition of the working class movement

12 Jun 2014

Torab Saleth of Hands Off the People of Iran assesses the strengths and weaknesses

Leadership meets at last

12 Jun 2014

Yassamine Mather reports on the first meeting of the LU national council

Playing a fool's game

12 Jun 2014

The ‘common sense’ consensus on migration stretches from Ukip and the Tories to the CPB and SPEW, writes Peter Manson

Dispelling delusions of easy success

05 Jun 2014

Last weekend’s Communist Platform meeting discussed electoral strategy and tactics. Peter Manson reports

The Peter principle

05 Jun 2014

It is past time for SPEW members to start questioning the strategic acumen of their leadership, argues Paul Demarty

May 22 results: Once again a sorry joke

29 May 2014

The left’s election results reflect its lack of social roots, reports Peter Manson

Left unity: Safe spaces are not liberating

29 May 2014

Mike Macnair puts forward an alternative to Left Unity’s draft ‘safe spaces’ policy

Ukraine: Economistic wishful thinking

22 May 2014

There is far more at stake than wages, says Paul Demarty

Left Unity: Keeping disagreements hidden

22 May 2014

Left Unity’s press release about Gerry Adams illustrates the fragility of its political method, argues Paul Demarty

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