
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

The 'new era of war and revolution'

10 Apr 2014

Did the outbreak of World War I cause Lenin to break with the ‘Marxism of the Second International’? In this extract from his contribution to a book to be published later this year, Lars T Lih argues that the opposite was the case

SWP: Sign of the times

04 Apr 2014

What’s wrong with ‘paraphernalia’, asks Tom Munday

Left Unity: 'Moderate' party takes shape

04 Apr 2014

The new formation has adopted its first policies. Peter Manson reports on the LU conference

The new moral panic

27 Mar 2014

Charles Gradnitzer looks at the most recent move to further ostracise the SWP

Less haste, more politics

27 Mar 2014

Mark Fischer reports on the meeting of Left Unity's leadership, where LU's labyrinthine constitution has been wreaking havoc

Communist Platform: Preparing for conference

27 Mar 2014

Peter Manson reports on the national meeting of Left Unity's Communist Platform

Left Unity: How to vote on March 29

27 Mar 2014

Mike Macnair outlines the recommendations of the Communist Platform

Miners review: Inspirational collection

20 Mar 2014

Martin Jenkinson, Mark Metcalf, Mark Harvey Images of the past: the miners’ strike Pen and Sword Books, pp216, £14.99

Keep it broad, keep it safe

20 Mar 2014

Peter Manson reports on the first national conference of the ‘united front against austerity’

Tony Benn: The moderate extremist

20 Mar 2014

Paul Demarty examines the legacy of a tireless champion of the Labour left

Don’t trust Maduro

13 Mar 2014

There is a danger that the Chávista regime will arrive at a compromise with the right, warns Daniel Harvey

Three cardinal sins of opportunism

13 Mar 2014

A reprint from the April 1984 edition of The Leninist, forerunner of the WW

Rival politics of the miners’ strike

13 Mar 2014

Mark Fischer introduces another blast from the past

Debate: Not a matter of style

13 Mar 2014

CPGB interventions are marred by a serious theoretical flaw, argues Ian Donovan

Indecision and irrationality

13 Mar 2014

March 29 is very likely to be just as frustrating as the November founding conference, writes Mike Macnair

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