
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

ISN: Not waving, but dying

24 Jul 2014

All the hype has come to nought, says Daniel Harvey

Scotland: Exeunt, stage left?

24 Jul 2014

Would an independent Scotland provide a radical impetus for socialism? Chris Gray examines the claims

Socialism and bear-baiting

17 Jul 2014

Socialist Worker’s gloating over Horatio Chapple’s death is crass and cruel, writes Paul Demarty. But it is also a product of political weaknesses

Bourgeois or capitalist?

17 Jul 2014

Marc Mulholland Bourgeois liberty and the politics of fear Oxford University Press, pp400, £37 (£9.25 direct)

Enough bluster and bullshit

17 Jul 2014

Last week saw a major strike of public-sector workers. Daniel Harvey looks at the aftermath

SWP: 'Delta force' still in denial

17 Jul 2014

‘The party’ had been on the right track all along, according to its leadership, and is now in fine health. Peter Manson reports on this year’s Marxism festival

Treating people like toy soldiers results in frivolous politics

11 Jul 2014

Alex Callinicos is trying to talk about strategy and patience, but his tongue is tied by his organisation’s disastrous errors, argues Paul Demarty

ANC hold on unions weakens

11 Jul 2014

The metalworkers are seeking to emulate the success of the platinum strikers, writes Peter Manson

Bolshevism was not a safe space for opportunism

03 Jul 2014

Political differences need to be expressed in honest, frank and where necessary colourful language. Mark Fischer argues that the past has many important lessons for Left Unity

Confidentiality is a bosses’ tool

26 Jun 2014

Left Unity should not deal with internal disputes through setting up secret trials, argues Paul Demarty

World War I: SPD left's dirty secret

26 Jun 2014

Ben Lewis discusses a largely forgotten and ignominious chapter in the history of the German workers’ movement

The question of Polish coal

26 Jun 2014

Mark Fischer introduces another 'The Leninist' reprint from the time of the Miner's great strike

People's Assembly: A prelude for July 10

26 Jun 2014

Saturday's protest was a small success for the PA, reports Simon Wells

Where next for People's Assembly?

19 Jun 2014

More than lowest common denominator politics is needed to challenge austerity, argues Peter Manson

Trying to earn a bit of popularity

19 Jun 2014

What is the role of Unite Against Fascism now that the SWP is prioritising Stand Up to Ukip? Daniel Harvey investigates

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