
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Despicable participants in an ongoing witch-hunt

11 Oct 2018

The AWL social-imperialists have constituted themselves as allies of the Labour right, the mainstream media and the Israeli political establishment, writes Carla Roberts

Small but positive

11 Oct 2018

Peter Moody looks at DSA attempts to ensure that their elected representatives remain accountable to the organisation

Let it rot in the grave

04 Oct 2018

Labour should not revive the old Fabian clause four, says Jack Conrad. Instead a new, genuinely socialist version is needed

A funny way to support Jeremy

04 Oct 2018

SPEW has written to the Labour Party asking to affiliate. Peter Manson looks at the background

Liberal playthings

27 Sep 2018

Mike Macnair assesses the AWL’s second conference document, on Europe

Where next for the SACP?

20 Sep 2018

As the ANC continues to lose support, Peter Manson looks at the dilemmas of the ‘official communists’

A new beginning?

20 Sep 2018

Marcel van der Linden examines the state of the global labour movement

Grappling with the party question

13 Sep 2018

Mike Macnair looks at two very different documents from two very different organisations

From Postgate to Barthélemy

06 Sep 2018

Marc Mulholland tells the story of a French revolutionary hanged for murder in London in 1855

Left in disunity

06 Sep 2018

Dave Vincent looks at the strange battle for assistant general secretary

A failure of definition

09 Aug 2018

Jack Conrad argues that the left is crippled by its fixation on economic struggles and the downplaying of high politics

Dead end of intersectionality

02 Aug 2018

Only the working class can unify the oppressed, argues Mike Macnair. This is an edited version of his talk at the July 29 London Communist Forum

Demanding a consensus

26 Jul 2018

What will result from the SACP’s call for a ‘reconfigured alliance’ with the ANC? Peter Manson reports on the party’s continuing divisions

Sowing dragon's teeth

26 Jul 2018

Is Leon Trotsky’s Transitional programme the last word when it comes to the Marxist programme? Or does it represent regression in Marxist terms? Jack Conrad argues against the economism of Trotskyism

Tactics, principles and willing dupes

19 Jul 2018

What attitude should the left take to the People’s Vote campaign and its call for a second referendum? Jack Conrad insists that referendums are a backward, not a forward step for democracy

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