
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Big Meeting lives on

19 Jul 2018

David Douglass reports on the134th Durham Miners Gala

End the farce

12 Jul 2018

Surely it is time to join the fight to transform the Labour Party, writes Peter Manson

Irrational optimism

12 Jul 2018

Mike Macnair responds to Rex Dunn’s arguments about Trotskyism and May 1968

Getting beyond capitalism

05 Jul 2018

Mike Macnair completes his critique of intersectionality and identity politics

Oppose siren calls

05 Jul 2018

Some on the ‘left’ insist on running with People’s Vote and its call for a second EU referendum. Once again Jack Conrad argues that Marxists ought to condemn referendums. We favour representative democracy and working class political independence

Mistaken versions of Maoism

28 Jun 2018

Two books on intersectionality reviewed: 'How we get free: black feminism and the Combahee River Collective' by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (Haymarket, 2017, pp191, £9.70) and Asad Haider's 'Mistaken identity: race and class in the age of Trump' (Verso, 2018, pp132, £9.90)

Race and class

21 Jun 2018

Mike Macnair examines the critiques of intersectionality developed by Adolph Reed Jr and Walter Benn Michaels

Intersectionality is a dead end

07 Jun 2018

Sections of the left are beginning to cotton on to the extent to which ‘identity politics’ and ‘intersectionality’ are neoliberal projects, argues Mike Macnair. But they do not yet offer a clear alternative

May 68 to colour revolutions

31 May 2018

The left has used the May 68 événements as evidence for a distorted concept of revolution, argues Mike Macnair. By doing so it has even endorsed ‘revolutions’ in the service of reaction. This is an edited version of a talk given to the May 27 London Communist Forum

Another rotten fudge

24 May 2018

The divisions in SPEW stem from a leadership dogmatically sticking to a totally wrong position, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

Cold war nostalgia

17 May 2018

Mike Macnair looks at the AWL’s version of ‘socialism’ and finds it wanting

Wonderful yet underperformed

10 May 2018

Jack Conrad looks back at the May-June events that rocked France 50 years ago

Who remembers Marx?

10 May 2018

Paul Demarty marks 200 years since the birth of the founder of scientific socialism

Its final outing

10 May 2018

Peter Manson looks at what was a disastrous political project from the very beginning

Victimisers pose as victims

26 Apr 2018

David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists reports on the lobby in support of Marc Wadsworth

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