
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Commitment and collectivity

28 Feb 2019

René Gimpel continues his examination of the conflict between Jean-Paul Sartre’s political and philosophical passions

Individualism or class struggle?

21 Feb 2019

René Gimpel examines the philosophical and political development of Jean-Paul Sartre, and his fraught relationship with the French Communist Party

The spectre of socialism

14 Feb 2019

Paul Demarty casts a critical eye over the rise of self-styled socialists in the Democratic Party

Forty years of inequality

14 Feb 2019

The US administration preferred Islamists to leftists, says Yassamine Mather

Next on Trump’s list

08 Feb 2019

Events in Venezuela amount to an imperialist coup attempt - but the left still draws no lessons from the failures of the ‘Bolivarian revolution’. Paul Demarty investigates

The Tory interpretation

31 Jan 2019

Mike Macnair argues that there is an institutional bias in the teaching of history. It is a bias that suits the agenda of those who believe in inequality, the natural order and firm government

Heading for another victory

31 Jan 2019

With the ANC consolidating its position, there is a huge vacuum to its left, observes Peter Manson. But who will attempt to fill it?

Socialism and the national question

17 Jan 2019

Genuine liberation for Palestinians and Israelis alike must be seen in the context of an Arab and global revolution, argues David Markovich

Marxism versus holy script

10 Jan 2019

There are those on the left who still insist, for their own peculiar reasons, on getting the history of Bolshevism and the Russian Revolution radically wrong. Jack Conrad replies to Jim Creegan

The will to liberate

10 Jan 2019

Neglect of the woman question in the early Soviet republic was not the result of isolation and economic backwardness, argues Anne McShane

Different perspectives, different objectives

20 Dec 2018

Both Lars T Lih and Jack Conrad are wrong when it comes to the history of Bolshevism, argues Jim Creegan

A sad state of affairs

20 Dec 2018

Peter Manson looks at what passes for internal debate in the run-up to the SWP conference

Working class trade policy

20 Dec 2018

Mike Macnair concludes his series on ‘free trade’ by looking at the positive alternative

He who pays the piper

13 Dec 2018

Why are the billionaire Koch brothers funding Spiked, whose origins lie in the Revolutionary Communist Party? Eddie Ford looks at a strange journey from far left to alt-right

Competition and cooperation

06 Dec 2018

Review of 'Elinor Ostrom’s rules for radicals' by Derek Wall, Pluto Press, 2017, pp160, £16.99

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