
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Communist Party Perspectives 1997

09 Jan 1997

At its last national aggregate of 1996, the perspectives document for this year was passed unanimously by our organisation. Mark Fischer highlights some of its key points

Cutting digs

09 Jan 1997

Around the left

A load of Bull

09 Jan 1997

Mission impossible in Peru

09 Jan 1997

Real enemies of progressive socialism

09 Jan 1997

The Weekly Worker has received a copy of a letter from Camden SLP chair Martyn Giscombe-Smith, which we publish below. We believe that the comrade is profoundly mistaken in announcing his resignation from the party, and urge him to reconsider. While he makes many valid criticisms and his frustration is understandable, he overlooks the key point: the SLP represents a left break from Labour of potentially great significance for the working class. All socialists should fight to shape the SLP into an organisation that is up to the job. It cannot be right to retire into the wilderness

Party finance

09 Jan 1997

Party notes

SUPPLEMENT: Genesis of bureaucratic socialism

19 Dec 1996

Part I

Dockers show potential for all

19 Dec 1996

Minimum, Transitional and Maximum: The revolutionary programme for today

19 Dec 1996

Dave Craig of the RDG opened a CPGB ‘Programme’ seminar arguing for a new transitional politics

Web of propaganda

19 Dec 1996

Assessing Barnsley East

19 Dec 1996

SL Kenning looks at latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party


19 Dec 1996

Around the left

Class alliances in Scotland

19 Dec 1996

SLP branch reports

Spring bulbs planted

19 Dec 1996

Ken Capstick, the Socialist Labour Party’s candidate in last week’s Barnsley East by-election, reflects on the result and on the SLP’s prospects

Continuity and discipline

19 Dec 1996

Party notes

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