
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Class struggle and the holocaust

18 Jan 2001

In the light of the official marking of National Holocaust Day on January 27, Eddie Ford continues his discussion of Norman Finkelstein's The holocaust industry

Unite shop stewards with SA

18 Jan 2001

Scottish Socialist Party

18 Jan 2001

ISM leaves CWI

Vauxhall fightback

18 Jan 2001

We should not only be protesting against General Motors on January 20. Anger must be focused squarely on the government and UK state. The Luton Vauxhall crisis highlights New Labour's obscene worship of the market and the inhuman values of capital. According to Tony Blair, issues such as the closure of Vauxhall are purely "commercial". His government is therefore committed not to intervene. Blair's government is afraid of jeopardising Britain's reputation - won through Thatcher's assault on trade union rights and power - that this country is dedicated to the accumulation of profit.

SWP and Lukács

18 Jan 2001

Significant engagement Georg Lukács A defence of 'History and class consciousness': tailism and the dialectic Verso, 2000, pp182, £16

Political prisoners in Turkey

11 Jan 2001

Class struggle and rhetoric

Ways, means, and destinations

11 Jan 2001

In the first of a series of strategic articles Jack Conrad discusses the future of the Socialist Alliance

Socialist Alliance Liaison Committee

11 Jan 2001

The character of our Socialist Alliance election campaign will probably be decided at the Liaison Committee meeting this Saturday, January 13.

SA roundup

11 Jan 2001

Cambridgeshire Vote against localism

Witch-hunters, censorship and the holocaust

21 Dec 2000

Norman G Finkelstein The holocaust industry: reflections on the exploitation of Jewish suffering Verso 2000, pp150, £16.00

Socialist Alliance Round-up

21 Dec 2000

Hackney Practical unity

Tories in disarray

21 Dec 2000

Playing the race card

Bush faces paralysis

21 Dec 2000

Working class opportunity

Political prisoners in Turkey

21 Dec 2000

Vicious state assault resisted

Socialist Alliance

21 Dec 2000

With the general election just a few months away, the Socialist Party core leadership of Peter Taaffe and Lynn Walsh has decided upon a course of brinkmanship. At the executive meeting of the Socialist Alliance on December 16, representatives of the SP anarchistically demanded the right to unilaterally declare Socialist Alliance candidates. This is a flagrant breach of our election protocol democratically agreed at the September 30 conference at Coventry.

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