
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Socialist Alliance

30 Nov 2000

Last week's by-elections produced excellent results for the left. The Socialist Alliance, standing for the first time in Lancashire, saved its deposit in Preston, while the Scottish Socialist Party polled more than seven percent in the two seats vacated by the death of Donald Dewar in Glasgow Anniesland. Meanwhile the Socialist Party won another seat in a council by-election in Lewisham, south London.

Socialist Party in England and Wales

23 Nov 2000

Rebel signal This protest letter has been sent to the Socialist Party executive committee and, as a courtesy, to Harry Paterson, who emailed it to the Weekly Worker

Message of despair

23 Nov 2000

Billy Elliot, general release

Simon Harvey of the SLP

23 Nov 2000

Scargill damns Socialist Alliance

Republican Communist Network

23 Nov 2000

Anti-nationalist role impaired

SWP - nationalism 'not a problem'

23 Nov 2000

In this internal document, Allan Green, the Scottish Socialist Party's national secretary, reports on the Socialist Workers Party's annual conference

SA roundup

23 Nov 2000

East London Global vision

US presidential elections

23 Nov 2000

Constitutional crisis cries out for clear programme

SSP leader calls for a split

23 Nov 2000

The statement, 'Appeal for an amicable divorce', by leading Scottish Socialist Party member Catriona Grant provides yet another example of the centrifugal tensions operating mercilessly on Peter Taaffe's once monolithic Committee for a Workers' International.

Expelled for speaking out

16 Nov 2000

Harry Paterson, a long-standing member of the Socialist Party/Militant, has had his appeal against expulsion turned down. He spoke to Peter Manson of the Weekly Worker

Simon Harvey of the SLP

16 Nov 2000

Anti-sectarians booted out

Step forward for unity

16 Nov 2000

Will McMahon is secretary of Hackney Socialist Alliance. He spoke to Marcus Larsen about the unfolding crisis in Hackney council, the role of the LSA and the prospects for the Socialist Alliance nationally

SA roundup

16 Nov 2000

London Politics needed

Petty bourgeois protest shows need for workers' independence

16 Nov 2000

London Socialist Alliance and Nader

09 Nov 2000

For the first time in decades, a candidate from the left of the two main parties has made an impact on the race for the White House. In key states - particularly Oregon and Florida - Nader may have polled enough to swing the vote for president between George W Bush and Al Gore. The unprecedented deadlock was in no small measure brought about by the presence of a third candidate.

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