
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Rail nationalisation campaign

25 Jan 2001

Take control


25 Jan 2001

Sullen SP still on board

East London

25 Jan 2001

Good and bad

CWI crisis

25 Jan 2001

Distortion and misrepresentation Weekly Worker (January 18) carried the Committee for a Workers' International press release responding to the International Socialist Movement split from them. Here we publish the forthright reply in which the ISM also rounds on Hannah Sell

Socialist Party

25 Jan 2001

'Damaged' by principled criticism As previously reported, long-standing Socialist Party member Harry Paterson lost his appeal against expulsion (see Weekly Worker November 16). The SP's appeals board has finally produced this report of its November 11 hearing

Party and programme

25 Jan 2001

Paul Le Blanc - Lenin and the revolutionary party - Humanities Press, 1993, pp417

Brent and Harrow

25 Jan 2001

Anne McShane to fight Boateng

Scottish Socialist Party conference

25 Jan 2001

Control over SWP

Vauxhall fightback

25 Jan 2001

Start made


25 Jan 2001

Building solidarity

Welsh Socialist Alliance conference

25 Jan 2001

Changed balance of balances

For an SA paper

25 Jan 2001

Towards a common Socialist Alliance programme

25 Jan 2001

A discussion contribution submitted by the Communist Party of Great Britain

Socialist Alliance

18 Jan 2001

Cambridgeshire SP censured

Socialist Alliance Liaison Committee

18 Jan 2001

Retreat from Coventry

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