
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

SWP apologetics for reactionary anti-imperialism

20 Jul 2006

Eddie Ford comments on Socialist Worker's recent coverage of the unfolding situation in Somalia

Defending national socialism is not Marxism

20 Jul 2006

Jack Conrad begins an extensive reply to Bob Goupillot with an examination of the principle of 'one state, one party' and its history

Different roads to unity

20 Jul 2006

Should 'one state, one party' be applied to Britain in current political circumstances? Bob Goupillot of the Republican Communist Network (Scotland) and the Scottish Socialist Party argues that the unity of the working class can at present best be served by a separate party for Scotland

Reports from Marxism meetings

13 Jul 2006

Friend or foe?

Reports from Marxism meetings

13 Jul 2006

'Muslims and the left today'

Reports from Marxism meetings

13 Jul 2006

'The fight for gay liberation in the Middle East'

The real resistance

13 Jul 2006

Popular opposition to anti-semitism saved thousands of Jews under Nazi occupation, writes Tony Greenstein in this concluding article - despite rather than because of Zionism

Reports from Marxism meetings

13 Jul 2006

Facing two ways on a woman's right to choose

Reports from Marxism meetings

13 Jul 2006

For Muslim Brotherhood

Dump sect culture

13 Jul 2006

The largest left group in Australia, Democratic Socialist Perspective, has just suffered a split. In this Labor Tribune article Marcus Ström calls for open debate and disciplined unity, not conspiratorial intrigue

Fight where Marxists are

13 Jul 2006

The organisation of a conference by the Critique group to campaign for a new Marxist party is welcome, writes Mike Macnair. But how far it will get is problematic

Iranian left protests against apologetics

13 Jul 2006

Like the Socialist Workers Party, Monthly Review in the United States has toned down its opposition to the Iranian regime. Iranian socialists have issued this open letter in protest at its coverage of the June 12 women's demonstration in Tehran

Opportunism and hype

13 Jul 2006

The Socialist Workers' Party's annual Marxism school marked another step along the popular front road. Peter Manson, Anne Mc Shane and Phil Kent report

Reports from Marxism meetings

13 Jul 2006

'Alienation and contemporary capitalism'

Labor Tribune launched

13 Jul 2006

Marcus Ström is the editor of Labor Tribune, a recently established website of Marxist discussion and intervention in Australia. He was previously prominent on the revolutionary left in Britain as a CPGB member and a leader of the Socialist Alliance. He spoke to Mark Fischer

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