
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

The Split in the League for the Fifth International

06 Jul 2006

Expelled for thought crimes

06 Jul 2006

Simon Wells was a dissident in the Socialist Workers Party. Then he was informed by telephone by national organiser Martin Smith: 'You're out of the party'. Despite this treatment, he decided to appeal

Chaos in Tower Hamlets Respect

06 Jul 2006

George Galloway had to broker a peace deal with councillors after an anti-SWP coup amongst Respect councillors failed, writes Huw Bynon

Taking Marxism seriously

06 Jul 2006

Nick Rogers draws lessons for today from the experiences of Marx and Engels in the First International


06 Jul 2006

The split in the League for the Fifth International (LFI)

06 Jul 2006

An outline of the evidence that reveals how the International Minority Faction planned to split the League

06 Jul 2006

Workers Power split

06 Jul 2006

As many readers will be aware, Workers Power and its 'oil slick international', the League for the Fifth International, has just expelled one-third of its members. Mark Fischer draws up a balance sheet

Hungary, Auschwitz and rewriting the holocaust

06 Jul 2006

In his third article on Zionism, Tony Greenstein continues his examination of collaboration and denial

Zionism and the holocaust

29 Jun 2006

Tony Greenstein continues his examination of the unholy alliance between anti-semitism and Zionism. With the coming to power of the Nazis the collaboration reached new depths

A pox on both their houses

29 Jun 2006

The split between the two wings of the Scottish Socialist Party continues to widen. Peter Manson examines latest developments

Battle lines drawn

22 Jun 2006

Tommy Sheridan has launched a Bonapartist power-grab. This weekend's national council looks set to ratchet up tensions even further, writes Peter Manson

Unity and the SSP

22 Jun 2006

Is working class unity helped by a separate Scottish Socialist Party and the strategy for an 'independent socialist Scotland'? The following exchange took place recently on the Socialist Alliance internet discussion list between Bob Goupillot - a member of the Republican Communist Network (Scotland), one of the SSP's smaller platforms - and Jack Conrad. Things kicked off when comrade Goupillot defended the SSP after a posting by Jim Gilbert

Bonapartist demagogy in barbed financial appeal

22 Jun 2006

Tommy Sheridan's no-holds-barred letter to Scottish Socialist Party members and below the official diplomatic response distributed by national secretary Allan Green

Unholy alliance

22 Jun 2006

What is the link between Zionism and anti-semitism? Tony Greenstein explains that there is a closer connection than many modern Zionists would care to admit

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