
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Witch-hunt cannot be stopped by judges

11 Mar 2010

Carl Chater exposes Prentis's union bureaucrats' collusion with employers

Left unity, not exclusion

04 Mar 2010

Open letter to the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition from Mark Fischer, CPGB national organiser

ANC battle hots up

04 Mar 2010

The rightwing is not only playing the race card, writes Peter Manson

Row over nationalisation

04 Mar 2010

African National Congress Youth League steals language of left, reports Terry Bell

Left mirror of UK state

04 Mar 2010

Allan Armstrong of the Scottish Socialist Party's international committee argues for the break-up of Britain - giving nationalism a socialist coloration in the name of 'internationalism from below'

Dedicated to making revolution in Turkey

04 Mar 2010

Mýgýrdýç Baylýk: June 18 1943-February 24 2010. Jack Conrad celebrates his life

Bureaucratic centralism and ineffectiveness

25 Feb 2010

The split of the John Rees-Lindsey German Left Platform from the Socialist Workers Party has generated a small round of discussion on the party question in the left blogosphere, writes Mike Macnair. But what is missing is a recognition of the need for Marxist unity

In defence of Leon Trotsky

25 Feb 2010

Hillel Ticktin demolishes Robert Service's much hyped Trotsky: a biography (Harvard University Press, 2009, pp600, £25)

Crisis poses EU workers' unity

25 Feb 2010

Jim Moody examines Greek left organisations' responses

Developing Marxist theory

25 Feb 2010

The Critique journal is celebrating its 50th issue. Peter Manson spoke to its editor, Hillel Ticktin

Left Platform throws in the towel

18 Feb 2010

Following the departure of John Rees, Lindsey German and all their supporters from the Socialist Workers Party, lessons must be learnt, says Peter Manson

SUPPLEMENT: Third programme of the Communist Party of Great Britain

11 Feb 2010

This is the Draft programme of the CPGB as agreed by the Provisional Central Committee. It will be put before a special conference of CPGB members before the end of 2010. Comments, suggestions, and criticisms are welcome

Socialist Action relegates solidarity

11 Feb 2010

Tony Greenstein gives his view of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign annual conference

Motherhood and apple pie

11 Feb 2010

Laurie McCauley reports on last Saturday's surprisingly positive conference of leftwing student activists

Left Platform lines up with Moussavi

11 Feb 2010

The Reesites no longer peddle the line that Iran is a democratic country. But despite Lindsey German's resignation from the SWP, their support for the 'green movement', including the butcher Moussavi, shows that the comrades still have not learned what principled international solidarity is, says Tina Becker

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