
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Accentuate the positive

14 Jan 2010

At last the establishment of a left unity electoral coalition has been confirmed by the highly secretive 'core group'. But, asks Mike Macnair, is this unity built on sand?

Email thought crimes and the Left Platform

17 Dec 2009

The SWP central committee has made its intentions regarding the opposition Left Platform crystal-clear, writes Peter Manson. John Rees, Lindsey German, Chris Nineham and their supporters now look set to be charged with 'factionalism' and expelled

Jesus the communist

10 Dec 2009

Laurie McCauley reports on a meeting attended by Christians and communists

Anarchist bombs and working class struggle

10 Dec 2009

David Douglass reviews Louis Adamic's 'Dynamite: the story of class violence in America', AK Press, 2009, pp352, £13

Green and red solidarity

10 Dec 2009

Ben Lewis reports on the green movement protest outside the Iranian embassy in London and the positive reception Hopi received

Splendid talking shop

03 Dec 2009

James Turley reports on the Historical Materialism conference

Defend Rees-German and the Left Platform

26 Nov 2009

Peter Manson looks at the organisational moves to pre-empt a full debate, the factional war in the latest Pre-conference Bulletin and the ending of the silence over Jane Loftus

Use it how you want

26 Nov 2009

Is it a petition or a draft manifesto? Nick Rogers attended the grandiosely titled 'convention' to discuss the vagaries of the People's Charter

The fight gets ugly

19 Nov 2009

What does the SWP majority think democracy looks like? asks James Turley

Bring Loftus to account

19 Nov 2009

Dave Isaacson condemns leading SWP members who continually undermine and sabotage attempts to forge rank and file organisation

No coalition with 'son of No2EU'

19 Nov 2009

Issues of left and right are not so clear-cut when it comes to Respect. Mike Macnair reports on its annual conference, held in Birmingham on Saturday November 14

Rival CNWP launched

19 Nov 2009

Another month and yet another call for a halfway-house working class party - this time by the Trotskyist group, Workers Power. Peter Manson is not impressed

We won’t pay for their crisis

12 Nov 2009

Anne Mc Shane reports on a meeting that could be a spark

Nationalist common sense

12 Nov 2009

Nick Rogers attended the No2EU session at SPEW’s Socialism event

Confident and boasting of growth

12 Nov 2009

The Socialist Party in England and Wales held its annual school, Socialism 2009, on November 7-8. Tina Becker reports on the opening rally

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