
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Why I am not an Israeli peace activist

07 Oct 2010

Genuine socialists fight against the Zionist project, writes Moshé Machover

CNWP: dead men's shoes

30 Sep 2010

Phil Kent examines the continuing project to replace the Labour Party

The phases of communism

23 Sep 2010

Jack Conrad concludes his discussion of the CPGB's Draft programme by looking at socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat

Light and air of political freedom

16 Sep 2010

North American scholar Lars T Lih explores the varying attitude of Marxists towards universal suffrage, freedom of the press and freedom of association

Neoliberal ghosts and the art of brevity

16 Sep 2010

Jack Conrad answers criticisms of the CPGB's Draft programme in the second of a three-part article

Goldilocks and the communist programme

09 Sep 2010

In an opening article, Jack Conrad picks out and assesses various criticisms of and alternatives to the CPGB's Draft programme

Break with ANC popular front

02 Sep 2010

The public sector strike victory has been won despite, not because of, the SACP, writes Peter Manson

Programmatic dead end

02 Sep 2010

The more things change, the more they remain the same. Eddie Ford looks at the latest draft of 'Britain's road to socialism'

Transition and abundance

02 Sep 2010

Schemes for quasi-market communism offer a rationale for capitalism, argues Mike Macnair

Leftist dogma and exaggerated threats

26 Aug 2010

The EDL did not turn up to disrupt an SWP event after all, reports Maciej Zurowski

Communist transition

26 Aug 2010

Nick Rogers discusses the transition to communism in the context of the CPGB's 'Draft programme'

Why don't you call yourselves something different?

29 Jul 2010

Maciej Zurowski reports on some interesting exchanges at the 1234 music festival

Localist separatism can only produce crazy confusion

29 Jul 2010

Mike Macnair reports on the latest attempt to create a national grouping to the left of Labour

Unity in a single party

22 Jul 2010

To mark the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Great Britain, we begin here a series of reprints of key documents from the pre-history and early years of our party

Co-ops against capitalism

22 Jul 2010

Arthur Bough reviews Nicole Robertson's 'The co-operative movement and communities in Britain, 1914-60' Ashgate, 2010, pp268, £55

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