
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Socialist Party consolidates its grip

27 May 2010

Dave Vincent reports on the conference of the civil service union

SWP stunt backfires

27 May 2010

Peter Manson finds only shamefaced and dishonest criticism

Everything from the top

27 May 2010

Laurie Smith sees the question of unity being further depoliticised

Key debates evaded

27 May 2010

The German left party Die Linke is going from strength to strength. But crucial debates on the future of the party, the nature of capitalism and participation in bourgeois governments will seriously test it over the next few months. In the first of two articles, Tina Becker reports from the 2010 conference, which took place on May 15-16 in Rostock

For and against 'holding lines'

27 May 2010

Tina Becker interviewed three leading delegates at the May 15-16 Die Linke conference held in Rostock

Diane Abbott splits left

27 May 2010

Communists want to see the Labour Party completely transformed, writes James Turley

Only game in town

20 May 2010

Mark Fischer was at the 'After the election ... Join the resistance' event

John for leader

20 May 2010

Labour activists are urging a speedy response to the NEC's deadline

Programme of renewal

20 May 2010

What next for the Labour left? Mark Fischer spoke to Graham Bash of Labour Briefing

Friend, comrade, and occasional sparring partner

20 May 2010

Obituary: Peter Heathfield, March 2 1929 - May 4 2010. David Douglass celebrates his life

McDonnell blocked by NEC bureaucrats

20 May 2010

Despite the current ascendancy of the right, Labour is likely to see a shift to the left, argues Peter Manson

Left results: full breakdown

13 May 2010

Leave aside their opportunist politics - candidates standing for left-of-Labour organisations managed to get results that barely register statistically. Collated by Jim Moody

So much for 'social weight'

13 May 2010

The far left vote has gone from the tiny to the statistically insignificant, writes Eddie Ford

Abysmal day for non-Labour left

13 May 2010

The performance of non-Labour working class candidates on May 6 was woeful. Peter Manson and John Masters report on the candidates, the figures and the excuses

The left and the 2010 general election

06 May 2010

What programmes, manifestos and policies did the left offer on May 6? Our chart shows that, compared to the CPGB's 'Draft programme', there is a distinct lack of vision, a national narrowness, and a morbid desire to recreate old Labour

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