
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Zinoviev and the Halle Congress

25 Nov 2010

Zinoviev's largely forgotten speech and Martov's counterblast for the first time in English, plus introductory essays by Ben Lewis and Lars T Lih

The ironic triumph of 'old Bolshevism'

25 Nov 2010

Using new archival research, Canadian scholar Lars T Lih spoke to a London Communist Forum meeting about the 'April debates' and their impact on Bolshevik strategy through to October 1917

No to nationalist response

25 Nov 2010

There is no solution to the Irish crisis within its own borders. Anne Mc Shane calls for internationalism and solidarity

Harness the anger: the anti-cuts movement we need

25 Nov 2010

James Turley looks ahead to the Coalition of Resistance conference and warns against the lack of democracy and a clear programme

From Stalinism to social democracy

18 Nov 2010

Chris Gray reviews Brian Hanley and Scott Millar's 'The lost revolution: the story of the Official IRA and the Workers Party' Penguin Books 2010, pp601, GBP9.99

Good, bad, and middling Trots

18 Nov 2010

Voting in the election to replace Derek Simpson as general secretary of Unite the Union ends on November 19. Gerry Downing reports on the attacks on the Jerry Hicks campaign from supporters of left bureaucrat Len McCluskey

Clutching at straws

18 Nov 2010

The Respect Party is looking for a revival of its flagging fortunes through the election of George Galloway as an MSP. Peter Manson reports on a low-key conference

Poll tax reminiscences

11 Nov 2010

Maciej Zurowski finds that SPEW just cannot seem to get the actual Labour Party out of its head

Budget crisis deepens

11 Nov 2010

Double standards need to be challenged by the left in Ireland, writes Anne Mc Shane

The two souls of socialism

11 Nov 2010

Trade union politics was the main dish at Socialism 2010, the Socialist Party's annual school. James Turley reports

Sanctions take their toll

11 Nov 2010

Yassamine Mather calls for international solidarity with Iranian workers

Lies will not help the anti-war movement

04 Nov 2010

Ben Lewis reports on the Stop the War Coalition's annual conference, where underhand methods were once again deployed to reject the affiliation of Hands Off the People of Iran

How did it come to this?

04 Nov 2010

Nick Rogers examines the tragic results of the SSP split

SSP chickens come home to roost

04 Nov 2010

Where did it all go wrong? asks Sarah McDonald

In defence of left communism

04 Nov 2010

James Tansey takes issue with Jack Conrad

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