
Democracy & State > Nationalism

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Separation showdown looms

25 Mar 2021

With Nicola Sturgeon in the clear, a battle between Holyrood and Westminster over Scottish independence is very much on the cards, argues Paul Demarty

Unionist wishful thinking

04 Mar 2021

The Salmond-Sturgeon rift has given hope to anti-independence forces, writes Paul Demarty. But the national question is not so easily dealt with

Fishy business in Holyrood

11 Feb 2021

With the Holyrood inquiry being branded a whitewash, Paul Demarty asks what really lies behind the Sturgeon-Salmond feud

No dodging self-determination

21 Jan 2021

Whoever is chosen as leader, the Scottish Labour Party is cruising for a bruising, reckons Paul Demarty

Open and honest debate

14 Jan 2021

The CPGB’s first online winter school proved to be a real success. James Harvey reports

A conservative revolution

14 Jan 2021

National sovereignty crystalised Gaelicism and late Victorian mores. Marc Mulholland argues, in his second article, that there was no transformation of popular consciousness

Socialism, nationalism and Ireland

07 Jan 2021

Before and during the Second International there were many different approaches to the questions of socialism and nationalism. In Ireland James Connolly banked on nationalists taking a positive attitude towards the cause of labour. In his next article Marc Mulholland will look at Ireland’s conservative revolution

SCOTLAND SUPPLEMENT III - Separatism, federalism, centralism

17 Dec 2020

Breaking apart existing states is not the road to socialism, but the road to defeat, writes Jack Conrad

SCOTLAND SUPPLEMENT II - A joint oppressor

10 Dec 2020

Left nationalists are in thrall to a bogus history, argues Jack Conrad. Scotland was not subject to an English takeover with the 1707 Act of Union. Nor does Scotland suffer from English cultural imperialism

SCOTLAND SUPPLEMENT I - Mythical, feudal, combined

04 Dec 2020

Jack Conrad questions left-nationalist assumptions that Scotland is an ancient nation, which was reduced to the status of a mere English colony by the 1707 Act of Union

Showdown looms

26 Nov 2020

A crisis over independence is on the horizon - and things could quickly get ugly, writes Paul Demarty

Stonewalling unionism hankers after direct rule

12 Nov 2020

There needs to be a democratic and internationalist answer to the ever-growing demand for independence, says Eddie Ford

Eyes on exits

22 Oct 2020

Paul Demarty examines the rising support for independence, and the tasks of the internationalist left

State of the union

19 Dec 2019

Paul Demarty anticipates a showdown over holding a second referendum and an independence bid.

Socialism and the national question

17 Jan 2019

Genuine liberation for Palestinians and Israelis alike must be seen in the context of an Arab and global revolution, argues David Markovich

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