
Society & Culture > Media, arts & sport

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Grasping the Olympic enigma

09 Aug 2012

The hype and nationalistic overkill is enough to put off even the keenest of sports lovers, writes Peter Manson. But the left needs to maintain a sense of balance

Establishment’s contradictory coup

02 Aug 2012

The Olympic opening ceremony represented another rearticulation of post-World War II British national identity, argues Eddie Ford

Another American tragedy

26 Jul 2012

Paul Demarty takes a look at the confused issue of arms in the USA

From Team Sparta to Team GB

26 Jul 2012

The ancient Greek Olympic Games, just like the modern equivalent, were part and parcel of class politics, writes Chris Gray

Doing it better than our enemy

26 Jul 2012

Many on the left see sport as nothing else than another way for the bosses to dupe the workers. Ben Lewis disagrees, and argues for a workers’ sport movement

Faster, higher, stronger

26 Jul 2012

The Olympic spectacle is a celebration of corporate power and money-worship, writes Eddie Ford

Olympics and the perversion of sport

26 Jul 2012

Are the Olympics the high point of a sporting religion? Harley Filben investigates

Manifesto for disobedient writers

21 Jun 2012

Simon Turley reviews: Lisa Goldman, 'The no rules handbook for writers', Oberon Books, 2012, pp256,

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Sport solidarity, not Sport relief

29 Mar 2012

Sarah McDonald and other comrades will be running the Vienna marathon to raise money for Iranian Workers, here she explains why you should show support

The function of Dickens

23 Feb 2012

The English literary establishment fully mobilised for the Charles Dickens bicentenary. But, wonders Harley Filben, why is it so in need of heroes?

Forgotten heroism

09 Feb 2012

Dave Douglass reviews Jonathan Symcox, 'The 1984-1985 miners strike in Nottingham: if spirits alone won battles - the diary of John Lowe' Pen and Sword Books, 2011, pp176,

Choose your conspiracy

02 Feb 2012

Dave Douglass reviews Robert Green's A thorn in their side: the Hilda Murrell murder Rata Books, 2011, pp208,

Normalised duplicity

02 Feb 2012

Yassamine Mather reviews new film A separation, directed by Asghar Farhadi, on general release.

Tory glee and political fantasy

19 Jan 2012

David Douglass reviews Phyllida Lloyd (director) 'The iron lady' 2011, general release

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