
Society & Culture > Media, arts & sport

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Leveson report: The dog that didn’t bark

06 Dec 2012

The recommendations of the Leveson report are worse than the status quo, argues Paul Demarty - but not by much

BBC crisis: Child abuse and desperate diversions

22 Nov 2012

Sections of the bourgeois press are attempting to conceal their own crisis by hammering the BBC, writes Paul Demarty

Anthropology: Imperialist abuse of science

01 Nov 2012

Simon Wells reviews: David H Price, 'Weaponizing anthropology: social science in service of the militarized state', AK Press (Counterpunch series), 2011, £12, pp208

Berlusconi: Another guilty verdict

01 Nov 2012

If past form is anything to go by, Silvio Berlusconi will not serve a day of his latest jail sentence, writes Toby Abse

Jimmy Savile: Establishment’s dirty little secret

18 Oct 2012

The establishment furore over the Jimmy Savile scandal has more to it than is being let on, reports Paul Demarty

Obituary: Unrepentance of Eric Hobsbawm

11 Oct 2012

Harley Filben casts an eye over Hobsbawm's legacy

Handling the truth

20 Sep 2012

Establishment mea culpas over Hillsborough have shocked many - but there are more skeletons in the closet, writes Paul Demarty

Pushing the button

13 Sep 2012

The Julian Assange furore is about war, not sex, argues Paul Demarty

Scenes of collective confidence and heroism

13 Sep 2012

David Douglass reviews: Peter Tuffrey, 'Yorkshire people and coal', Amberley Publishing, Stroud 2012, pp128, £12.99

A textbook paranoid narcissist

06 Sep 2012

As Julian Assange divides a confused left, Paul DeMarty seeks clarity

Comment is not always free

16 Aug 2012

Why did The Guardian censor Israeli anti-Zionist Moshé Machover? Tony Greenstein investigates

And they call this sport

16 Aug 2012

The establishment intends to use the ‘legacy’ of the Olympics to consolidate British national chauvinist ideology and ruling class values, writes Peter Manson

Consciously political

09 Aug 2012

Gore Vidal, 1925-2012

Artistic engagement

09 Aug 2012

Lawrence Parker reviews: Philip Bounds British communism and the politics of literature 1928-1939 Merlin, 2012, pp322, £18.95

Our sport and theirs

09 Aug 2012

Socialist Workers Party member Keith Flett contrasts today’s corporate Olympics with the tradition of worker sport. This is an edited version of his speech to a CPGB London Communist Forum

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