
Society & Culture > Media, arts & sport

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Coup that never was

13 Nov 2014

The campaign against Ed Miliband is part of a long tradition, writes Eddie Ford

The limits of journalism

06 Nov 2014

Nick Davies Hack attack: how the truth caught up with Rupert Murdoch Chatto and Windus, 2014, pp430, £20

Moving and inspiring

25 Sep 2014

Matthew Warchus (director) Pride general release

How justice works

18 Sep 2014

Deep pockets, global fame and the lack of jury trials are prone to produce outrageous results, argues Paul Demarty

Black square and full circle

07 Aug 2014

Malevich exhibition, Tate Modern, Bankside, London SE1, £13.10 (ends October 26)

Balkanising the web

11 Jul 2014

Government oppression and ‘right to be forgotten’ legislation threatens internet freedom, argues Eddie Ford

Stealing back the game

12 Jun 2014

As the World Cup begins in earnest, Harley Filben examines the tense political background

Triumph of Afro-Caribbean art

22 May 2014

Roy Williams Kingston 14 Theatre Royal, Stratford; ends April 26

The internet in the epoch of decline

27 Mar 2014

Extravagant revolutionary claims are made for new digital media and the technological avant-garde. The truth, argues Paul Demarty, is more complicated

Pete Seeger: The art of folksong

06 Mar 2014

Pete Seeger, May 3 1919 - January 27 2014

Harriet Harman: More manufactured hysteria

06 Mar 2014

As the Daily Mail smears Labour MPs for links to paedophiles - Paul Demarty wonders whether it doth protest too much

Storm clouds over Sochi

13 Feb 2014

Harley Filben on the intersection of sport and Vladimir Putin's reactionary-populist agenda

Storms, floods and a deluge of crap

13 Feb 2014

Natural flood management is part of the solution, not dredging. But if we seriously want to preserve and restore nature, argues Eddie Ford, then we need to challenge capitalism

Iran Review: Outrage comes cheap

06 Feb 2014

Tom Munday reviews: Negar Azarbayjani, 'Facing mirrors', 2011

Art: Postmodernism, fetishism and Marxism

06 Feb 2014

Libertarianism is no substitute for a Marxist critique, writes Rex Dunn, as the ‘racist chair’ controversy continues to rage

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