
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

LRC: Inclusivity and intolerance

09 Oct 2014

Some leading members are displaying an unhealthy aversion to dissenting views. Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists attended the final meeting of its outgoing national committee

In service of Miliband

02 Oct 2014

Last week’s Labour conference confirmed once again that the union tops work hand in glove with the party bureaucracy. Charles Gradnitzer reports

LRC: A crisis of soul searching

11 Sep 2014

The Labour Representation Committee’s leadership is anticipating a ‘make or break’ annual general meeting on November 8. Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reports

Lack of style over substance

31 Jul 2014

Miliband’s plea for less superficiality in politics is, itself, a superficial publicity stunt - and, reckons Paul Demarty, a stupid one at that

Still committed to Labour

05 Jun 2014

Dean Kirk is of a rare political breed - along with Gill Kennett he was a Labour councillor in Hull who refused to vote for a cuts budget and was therefore suspended from the Labour group. He spoke to Mark Fischer

Miners' strike: Battle lines drawn

06 Mar 2014

We reprint below our first response to the miners’ strike from an edition of The Leninist

Labour: Unions vote to be distanced

06 Mar 2014

Delegate Charles Gradnitzer reports on Labour’s special conference

Labour: Everything to play for

20 Feb 2014

The fight for the soul of the Labour Party has only just begun. Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reports on the Collins review

Labour: Another Blairite collaborator

06 Feb 2014

Paul Demarty wonders why Sally Morgan of Ofsted was allowed to collaborate with Gove in the first place

Labour: Democracy versus patronage

06 Feb 2014

The stench of leader loyalty hangs over the Collins proposals to ‘mend’ Labour’s trade union link, writes Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists

Class unity requires left unity

23 Jan 2014

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists looks at Andrew Murray’s rejection of the new LU party

Labour and political scabbing

28 Nov 2013

Defending the union link as it is falls short of the needs of the working class, argues Paul Demarty

LRC: Surviving, but still shrinking

28 Nov 2013

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reports on the annual conference of the Labour Representation Committee

Labour: Inching to the left

17 Oct 2013

In view of Labour’s marginal shift, the new ‘broad left’ party proposed by Left Unity’s Left Party Platform is worse than useless, writes Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists

Labour Party: Safe for capitalism

26 Sep 2013

Calling Miliband ‘Red Ed’ is a joke, writes Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists

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