
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Jerry Hicks interview: Not more of the same

07 Mar 2013

The Provisional Central Committee of the CPGB is urging support for Jerry Hicks, the rank-and-file candidate in the Unite election. Peter Manson spoke to him about his campaign and perspectives

CLPD: Trip down memory lane with the hopelessly hopeful

28 Feb 2013

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists gives his assessment of the 40th AGM of the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy

LRC AGM: No short cuts to rebuilding

22 Nov 2012

The November 10 AGM of the Labour Representation Committee was on balance positive. But the left is still painfully weak both organisationally and politically. Andy Gunton of Labour Party Marxists gives his assessment

Socialism 2012: Labour: for a ‘civil war’

08 Nov 2012

Is TUSC the new Labour Party? Mark Fischer reports from a Socialism 2012 session on Labour

Progress: Capitalism’s Trojan horse

11 Oct 2012

Attacks on Progress should be welcomed, but should the left vote for Aslef’s rule change? Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists looks at the issues

One nation: Labour turns blue

04 Oct 2012

Ed Miliband invoked the legacy of Benjamin Disraeli in order to embrace the agenda of Blue Labour, argues Paul Demarty

Bans could be a doubled-edged sword

19 Jul 2012

Eddie Ford argues that the balance between left and right in the Labour Party is complex and symbolised by Ed Miliband courting both the traditional working class base and the overtly pro-capitalist right

Tyranny, structure and red baiting pluralists

12 Jul 2012

Though merger with the Labour Representation Committee was agreed at the Labour Briefing AGM, ugly accusations have followed. Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reports

Common sense and left divisions

05 Jul 2012

The proposed merger of Labour Representation Committee and Labour Briefing will be decided at Briefing’s AGM this Saturday. Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reviews the discussion so far, and backs the merger

Miliband turns a deeper shade of blue

28 Jun 2012

Is the Labour leader 'pandering to racism' Peter Manson looks at Ed Miliband's June 22 speech

Police commissioners or citizen militias

21 Jun 2012

Jim Moody of Labour Party Marxists contrasts state policing with extreme democracy

Divisions surface and split beckons

31 May 2012

What political differences lie behind the heated arguments in the Labour Representation Committee and Labour Briefing? Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reports on the proposed merger, and counsels against irresponsible splits

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Round one to Miliband

10 May 2012

Labour is obviously pleased with the outcome of last week's local elections - but the government is not as weak as it looks, writes Paul Demarty

Like looking for a needle in a haystack

26 Apr 2012

Peter Manson calls for critical support for Ken Livingstone, for Labour anti-cuts candidates and for all those standing on a left, working class platform

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