
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Recruit, win new affiliates, transform

17 Sep 2015

Jeremy Corbyn’s election presents the left with a historic opportunity. James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists outlines a programme of immediate action and long-term strategic goals

Surviving the press onslaught

17 Sep 2015

The new Labour leader is in for a rough ride, but he must learn to fight, says Daniel Harvey

War and peace

10 Sep 2015

Yassamine Mather looks at the contradictions in Jeremy Corbyn’s foreign policy

Don’t go back: go forward

03 Sep 2015

The post-leadership battle has already begun. James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists calls for the adoption of new principles and decisive measures

Hoist by its own petard

03 Sep 2015

The right has given us a gift and we have used it. Charles Gradnitzer of Labour Party Marxists recalls how it all came about

Pitfalls of Corbynomics

03 Sep 2015

While the right is aghast at Jeremy Corbyn’s economic plans, Paul Demarty wonders just how radical they really are

Signs of desperation

13 Aug 2015

The largest organisations of the far left still cannot get their heads around the Corbyn campaign, laments Paul Demarty

Blairites will resort to sabotage

13 Aug 2015

With the final membership surge we must begin to think about a Corbyn-led Labour Party and how to defeat the right wing, says Eddie Ford

Confusion and disarray

06 Aug 2015

In light of Corbyn’s success the left needs to seriously examine why it gets the Labour Party so wrong, says Jack Conrad

Dissolve the party and elect another

30 Jul 2015

As the Labour leadership contest gets ugly, William Kane begins to worry about the sanity of the bourgeois press

Rightwing panic grows

30 Jul 2015

Ordinary leftwing activists are using the weapons supplied by the right against the right, says Eddie Ford. Things will never be quite the same again

Labour right panic and call for ABC

23 Jul 2015

Tony Blair’s warning goes to show that the Labour Party can be shifted to the left, writes Eddie Ford

Part of the ‘lunatic wing’ - like Jack Straw

23 Jul 2015

Smearing Jeremy Corbyn as a friend of Islamist extremists is disingenuous, hypocritical and incorrect, writes Yassamine Mather

Everything to play for

16 Jul 2015

Jeremy Corbyn is looking more and more like a winner in the leadership race - much to the anger of the right. Paul Demarty reports

Fear of a Corbyn victory

16 Jul 2015

Surging support for Corbyn is terrifying both the media and the right of the party, writes Charles Gradnitzer of Labour Party Marxists

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