
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

AWL: Matgamna’s chauvinistic tirade

31 Oct 2013

Imperialism may not have invented political Islam, writes Yassamine Mather, but it has certainly used it to its advantage

Still clinging on

24 Oct 2013

Silvio Berlusconi - master of avoiding his comeuppance

Italy: M5S racism exposed

24 Oct 2013

Confused left populism should not blind us to the natsure of Beppe Grillo’s party, writes Toby Abse

Berlusconi: Houdini’s last escape

10 Oct 2013

Surely last week’s volte face signals the end of the road for Silvio Berlusconi. Toby Abse reports

Die Linke: Principled opposition, not coalition poker

26 Sep 2013

With Die Linke potentially emerging from last weekend’s elections as the biggest opposition party in parliament, big challenges lie ahead, argues Ben Lewis

Die Linke: Rotten politics and rotten terms

19 Sep 2013

This weekend’s elections will be a test for Die Linke, argues Ben Lewis, especially when it comes to the coalition-making that will follow

Italy: Threat to bring down government

29 Aug 2013

Toby Abse reports on Silvio Berlusconi’s latest antics

Italy: Heading for jail?

08 Aug 2013

Can it really be true that ‘the law is equal for all’? Silvio Berlusconi may yet have more tricks up his sleeve, writes Toby Abse

Berlusconi: Judgement day looms

18 Jul 2013

Toby Abse reports on an unexpected setback for Silvio Berlusconi

Italy: Berlusconi will never serve time

27 Jun 2013

Toby Abse reports on the ‘Ruby case’ verdict

Italy: Populists in disarray

20 Jun 2013

Why do some on the British left see Beppe Grillo’s party as a kind of model? Toby Abse reports on the fallout following Italy’s local elections

Italian elections: Grillo’s populism exposed

06 Jun 2013

The Five Star Movement has suffered a sharp drop in support. Toby Abse reports on the first round of the local elections

Giulio Andreotti: Corruption, murder and the thirst for power

16 May 2013

Toby Abse reviews the life of the Italian prime minister with close Mafia connections: Giulio Andreotti, January 14 1919 - May 6 2013

Anti-EU left: Being pulled to the right

09 May 2013

Ukip’s anti-EU nationalism is mirrored by the CPB. Michael Copestake takes a look

Italian government: Grand coalition for austerity

02 May 2013

Toby Abse reports on the formation of yet another anti-working class administration in Italy

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