
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Protest halts deportation

20 May 2021

Alastair Thomas celebrates the thwarting of the home office’s Immigration Enforcement goons in Glasgow

Reality of ethnic cleansing

13 May 2021

Tony Greenstein argues that despite its military might the Zionist state is losing the propaganda war

Stench of Zionist colonisation

13 May 2021

What is going on in Jerusalem? Why the provocations? Moshé Machover looks behind the latest flare-up of violence

Sorry results of tailism

13 May 2021

Narrow nationalism of all varieties distorts, twists and inverts class politics. Paul Demarty provides a preliminary post-mortem on the May 6 results

The politics of denial

13 May 2021

Class and the politics of narrow nationalism are now entwined, writes Eddie Ford. Instead of denying its own role in helping to bring about this sorry situation, the left needs to do some serious thinking

Shallow, brief and very stupid

13 May 2021

The refusal to face up to the disastrous divisions caused by Brexit stems from referendum cretinism. Clive Dean of Labour Party Marxists reports on the May 9 meeting of LLA supporters

Chatham House ‘left’

29 Apr 2021

Who stands for what and who says what - such basic information should not be treated as the private property of a select few. Derek James calls for openness

No reliance on Good Friday

29 Apr 2021

As shown by the resignation of Arlene Foster, unionism is in profound crisis. But can the left take the lead and build working class unity? Anne McShane reports on the Conference for an Alternative United Ireland

Necessity of social control

29 Apr 2021

We do not trust the government, writes Eddie Ford. But nor do we support unrestricted liberty

Behind the Lulu Lytle wallpaper

29 Apr 2021

Sleaze stories about the Downing Street flat and Boris Johnson’s character aim to protect the general regime of corruption. Mike Macnair paints the bigger picture

Hollow man for hollow times

22 Apr 2021

With Labour facing a string of defeats on May 6, Derek James looks at the continuing problems facing Keir Starmer

Is war on the way?

22 Apr 2021

Mounting tensions between Russia and the west over Ukraine could have serious international consequences, warns Daniel Lazare

Death by numbers

22 Apr 2021

Instead of treating the monarchy merely as a quaint feudal relic, the left needs a much sharper critique, argues Paul Demarty

Ghost dancers of loyalism

15 Apr 2021

Riots in the Six Counties confirm once again that the Good Friday agreement settled nothing, writes Derek James

Labour’s latest Waterloo

15 Apr 2021

The defeat of the campaign for union recognition at Amazon is not as straightforward as might be thought, argues Daniel Lazare

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