
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Beating them at their own game

09 Feb 1995

An article in Socialist Worker (January 28) criticised Bill Morris and the Transport and General Workers Union leadership in the Badgerline bus dispute in Chelmsford for appealing to public opinion rather than for solidarity action - a well know bureaucrat’s cop-out. But it particularly criticised the free bus service the union was running. We spoke to Bill Horslen, one of the sacked workers and a Labour councillor, about the dispute and how the bus service can be used to gain solidarity action

Running for profit

09 Feb 1995

No speed ups No job cuts

09 Feb 1995

Latest for the axe are teachers’ jobs. A limited pay rise will be accompanied by education cuts, forcing job losses and increasing an already high workload. Teaching is already one of the worst professions for stress due to overwork and restructuring. But making fewer workers do more work for less pay is a trend that goes right across the board

Damning social trends

02 Feb 1995

No victory for workers

02 Feb 1995

Labour waves the union jack

02 Feb 1995

Left out in the cold

02 Feb 1995

Clause four roadshow gets underway

Rewriting the history books

02 Feb 1995

Chechen bloodbath goes on

02 Feb 1995

Pictures of war in Chechnya expose Yeltsin's democratic credentials

Memorial march

02 Feb 1995

Unionist fury threatens Major

02 Feb 1995

A negotiated settlement will have to keep Unionists on board, and will leave British imperialism intact

Private Clegg - State terrorist assassin

02 Feb 1995

Workers’ action to stop council cuts

02 Feb 1995

Councils across the country have announced huge spending cuts as a result of reduced government grant support for the new financial year. Some areas will be worse hit than others and Labour and Tory councillors alike are jostling for their share of a smaller cake. Only workers’ organisation against all cuts and all closures can halt the attack by both government and council. That is the message Communist Party candidates will be taking to the local elections in April and May

Local Bobby turns nasty

26 Jan 1995

Postal workers show the way

26 Jan 1995

Royal Mail workers forced management to reinstate a sacked colleague earlier this month

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