
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Cold war hots up

07 Oct 2021

As the US and Britain set about arming Australia with nuclear-powered subs and Indian troops dig in at high altitude, Chinese warplanes prod and probe Taiwan’s air defences. Eddie Ford warns that a shooting war is far from impossible

Around conference left

30 Sep 2021

LPM comrades William Sarsfield, Andrew Byrne and Stan Keable report on fringe meetings, hubs and bulletins

Setting the record straight

30 Sep 2021

Tony Greenstein reviews 'Labour, the anti-Semitism crisis and the destroying of an MP' by Lee Garratt (Thinkwell Books, 2021, pp237, £10)

Decline and decay

30 Sep 2021

Mike Macnair shows that the post-1945 and post-1976 global ascendancy of US-style constitutionalism is at the core of the current liberal impasse

Cargo-cult Blairism

30 Sep 2021

Here we are supposed to have the intellectual background. What is revealed is a sad lack of intellectual background. Paul Demarty reviews Keir Starmer's 'The road ahead' (Fabian Ideas, 2021, pp32, £5.95)

Focus group goop

30 Sep 2021

Left treated with blatant contempt. Right relishes its witch-hunt triumph. Andrew Kirkland of Labour Party Marxists reports from the Brighton conference hall

Sir Keir’s second eleven

30 Sep 2021

Derek James says keeping heads down does not amount to a viable strategy

Waiting for the axe

23 Sep 2021

With the Brighton conference about to begin, Derek James of Labour Party Marxists looks at a confused left and the failure to confront a witch-hunt that began not with Keir Starmer, but Jeremy Corbyn

Enlightened constitutions

23 Sep 2021

Mike Macnair shows that the US constitution modernised the English constitution - no monarch, no hereditary peers, no state church - but made the interests of capital more secure against the lower orders

One coup attempt or two?

23 Sep 2021

There was general Mark Milley too. Daniel Lazare re-examines January 6 in light of the latest revelations

Combating the Capitalistocene

23 Sep 2021

With global temperatures in danger of increasing to 1.5 ºC above pre-industrial levels by 2025, Eddie Ford fears that governments might actually do something - at our expense

Media muddle

23 Sep 2021

Yes, they are deeply reactionary, writes Yassamine Mather. But they have learnt to survive, adapt and win

Dealing with anti-vaxxers

16 Sep 2021

Invading BBC, ITN and Google. Paul Demarty examines vaccine madness and the limits of coercive action

Class, state and constitution

16 Sep 2021

Rising classes have to reshape states in their own interests. Mike Macnair explores the revolutionary origins of capitalist modernity

Rightwing hopes dashed

16 Sep 2021

After the scuttle from Afghanistan, reality is finally sinking in for the royalist, cultist and paid-for ‘regime change’ advocates, writes Yassamine Mather

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