
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

UKIP: Part of mainstream chauvinist consensus

22 May 2014

Getting jittery, the Tory machine and large sections of the media are attacking the ‘unBritish’ Ukip. Eddie Ford is not surprised

Birmingham schools panic: Horses for courses

22 May 2014

The Birmingham school panic is an ironic product of post-Thatcher Britain, writes Paul Demarty

Miners: Crisis of leadership

22 May 2014

A reprint from the Leninist, forerunner of the WW, on the crucial need for politics

May 22: Vote Tusc, vote left

22 May 2014

In the absence of Labour anti-cuts candidates, Peter Manson calls for critical support for the left in next month’s local elections

SACP plumbs the depths

17 Apr 2014

While the ANC continues to lose support, writes Peter Manson, it still faces no viable opposition from the working class

Ukraine: Peddling absurd fairy tales

17 Apr 2014

Eddie Ford calls for a working class solution that cuts across the rival nationalisms at play in Ukraine

Miners strike: Militants and scabs

10 Apr 2014

Harry Paterson Look back in anger: the miners’ strike in Nottinghamshire 30 years on Five Leaves Publishing, 2014, pp298, £9.99

French election: First the 'red wave', then the blue

10 Apr 2014

Hollande’s electoral humiliation at the hands of the right shows the necessity of independent working class politics, argues Eddie Ford

Unions merger: Questions for Serwotka

10 Apr 2014

A Unite-PCS merger is on the cards. PCS militant Dave Vincent examines the options

Rightwing press rocks the boat

10 Apr 2014

Maria Miller and Nick Clegg suffer for the benefit of reactionary media moguls, writes Paul Demarty

How Thatcher plotted our defeat

27 Mar 2014

Granville Williams (ed) Settling scores: the media, the police and the miners’ strike Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom, pp139, £6.99

Turkey government: On its last legs

20 Mar 2014

Erdoğan’s government is rapidly losing control, writes Esen Uslu. But the opposition seems in no shape to take advantage

Electoral reform and Greek gifts

20 Mar 2014

While the new premier seems destined to disappoint, sections of the left have joined forces in a lash-up that looks set to leave workers cold. Toby Abse reports

Other side of border controls

20 Mar 2014

Ben Lewis notes a tragic subplot in the mysterious disappearance of flight MH370

West and Putin up the ante

20 Mar 2014

Mainstream hypocrisy takes some beating, writes Eddie Ford

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